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about the institute for sustainable practice

tread lightly. leave your mark. you’ll see that sentiment all over this institute!

dodd galbreath

dodd galbreath, founding director, institute for sustainable practice

lipscomb is proud to be educating the next generation of green professionals who will lead businesses and communities toward a sustainable future. a relatively new academic discipline, sustainability is not the narrowly focused pursuit that many come to us thinking it is. it is much broader and more exciting! an expert in sustainability is someone who has the skills and knowledge to lead an organization to the type of sustainable culture and practices that translate into bottom line results.

and even though it is a young profession, our faculty includes people who already have done it successfully within organizations and can lead our students through an experiential education that equips them well on day one of their first job in sustainability. faculty background includes a global sustainability manager, a nationally recognized leader in food justice, fellows in the biomimicry institute, a state environmental policy director – bringing a highly comprehensive experience set that is invaluable in helping students find areas of specialty that interests them. 

lipscomb's sustainability programs equip students for a variety of careers in corporate, small businesses, public policy administration, facility management, construction, green development and renovation, sustainability consulting, entrepreneurship and other opportunities that demonstrate the value of sustainability for people, the planet and prosperity. join us.

dodd galbreath
founding director