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hygiene locker

everyone deserves to have access to basic hygiene products.

the office of student wellbeing recognizes and works to reduce barriers students may face in having access to basic hygiene supplies. in an effort to improve the resources we offer to students, our office has created a hygiene locker that is stocked with basic hygiene supplies such as: soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, toothbrush/paste, detergent, and menstrual products, among other items. any student may access this locker and take any supplies they may need. in addition, if there is an item not in the locker a student is in need of, they may contact a student care coordinator by emailing scc [at] for further support. the locker is located in the basement stairwell of bennett campus center and accessible 24/7. 


the hygiene locker is supported through donations from both students and other members of the lipscomb community. if you are interested in donating to our hygiene locker, please consider viewing our amazon wishlist below.

donate - amazon wishlist