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summer engineering teams - a look back

july 22, 2024

summer engineering teams - a look back

the peugeot center continued to live out the kingdom of god through their ministry of engineering this summer. in may, over 30 students traveled on four teams to three countries. they worked alongside four host partner organizations on engineering projects that will enhance the lives of the communities they serve. before we gear up for another year of engineering missions, we want to take a look back at all god has accomplished this summer!

adicay team

adicay (guatemala)

the summer guatemala team worked alongside the community of xalibe to make valuable strides in the development of their water distribution system. working alongside the community of xalibe helped our team form relationships that will forever hold a place in their hearts

predisan may 2024 team

predisan (honduras)

this summer 2024 honduras team partnered with predisan to bring electricity to three remote school communities through the installment of solar panels. through this work, our team was able to create even stronger relationships with our honduran brothers and sisters and with each other.

lhbh may 2024 team

little hands big heart (honduras)

our team was able to assist little hands big hearts in several different ways. we worked on erosion control, installed water system electrical controls and surveyed the area for future development. every year our team feels loved and welcomed by the lhbh staff, and this year was no different. 

the may 2024 ghana team

village of hope (ghana)

the ghana team served in a multitude of ways this year. we installed two pump stations, two collection tanks and laid pipe for the remainder of the school's campus. 


may 2024 graduate reflections

aaron hardy (lhbh)

aaron hardy

"while i speak a passable amount of spanish, it is rare that i'm engaging [the community members] in long conversations. instead, i am often chasing the children around to retrieve my hat or being led by the hand (or shoved from behind) while being as ornery as possible. this summer on [my final mission trip to lhbh], i saw one of maybellen's daughters. i remember her from my first visit after my freshman year. now, nearly three years later, she had grown up so much! it is very spooky seeing how much time had passed [since i first met her].



jaren phipps

jaren phipps

"our time spent in guatemala was incredible and almost beyond words. getting to partner with and work alongside the community of xalibe and see the beginning of relationships forming, if only for a week, was really cool. working with adicay and seeing their passion for the communities they work with to establish clean water was really inspiring. for as much as we hoped to leave a positive impact, i think the team might have left more impacted from witnessing all that god is doing in guatemala."




not a trip
category: student life