honduras (hcc) spring break 2024 - anna's story
april 22, 2024

honduras is a place that has brought me constant joy over the past couple of years. not necessarily because of the things there but because of the way the lord works and the way he works through his people.
this spring break was my second time going to honduras to serve. over the course of that time, i have gotten to keep in touch with many of the hondurans we have the opportunity to work with. the relational aspect of this trip is probably my favorite and always serves as a constant reminder that the lord’s love has no language barriers.

over the past 20 years, hillsboro church of christ has fostered a relationship with mateo church of christ in honduras. it’s always so beautiful to see the connection that we have only because of the lord. i could barely speak to the women of the church, but so many of them would come and greet me with a hug, saying much more than words could. the lord is so evident in the ways that he is working in the hearts of these hondurans.
during the day, we would build houses for people all over the city. each day, we would have around 2 or 3 hondurans building with us; these hondurans also go to mateo church of christ. they could have built twice as many houses by themselves as we build collectively in a week. but they patiently wait for us to nail that hammer in or learn how to use a drill. if there were one word i could use to describe the people of honduras, it would be patient.
many times, our honduran friends would know those we were building for each day, making it even more special. one family in particular that we built for really tugged at my heartstrings. we were building on a property where our team had built a house the year before, and it was truly incredible to see how the house had been transformed into a home. the lord was using this place for good. but as we finished building this second house, we learned that the owner of this home was a 19-year-old boy who had just lost his mom the previous year and was left to take care of his little siblings. it was heartbreaking to hear, but seeing how grateful the family was and how thankful they were to the lord put it all into perspective.
honduras is a thin place, one that feels close to heaven, and it’s genuinely because of the people there. i always feel like i was served so much more than i served. the lord is diligently at work in this place and his people. we talk frequently about how there is such a parallel in this trip of building homes in honduras to how the lord is preparing an eternal home for us. there is so much beauty in the physical and relational work that goes into this trip every year. it is just simply evident that the lord is working in this place and these people.
anna johnson
not a trip
category: student life