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honduras (engineering hoi) spring break 2023 - kris pesnell day five update

april 12, 2023

the hoi team works to install solar panels

the hoi team works to install solar panels

dearest reader,

woke up today to the sound of kenzie stomping into our room to try and cycle the power this morning, because the power had dropped again during the night. the power has been on and off since we arrived, which in a way has been a nice thing to witness because it really shows the need for what we’re doing on this trip and the benefit of these long hot days on the roof wiring up solar panels.

today was our third day actually working at the school. we arrived around 7:30 and everyone split up and got right to work, which was really fun to see after couple of slow starts in the prior mornings. it is impressive to see how this group of students and teachers have learned to work together so quickly.

the major projects of the day consisted of; wrapping up the wiring of the solar panels, stuffing another 360 feet of conduit, routing said conduit (which is more difficult than it sounds), testing all the individual components, and whatever wizardry dr. elrod was doing on the breaker boxes.

all in all the project is moving ahead on schedule, teams are working together better and better, and it looks like we will be able to complete our work on time tomorrow evening and head back towards home. good night.

with all my love,
kris pesnell

not a trip
category: student life
tags: lipscomb missions, missions, honduras, engineering