greece & albania summer 2024 - emily's story
july 8, 2024

through hard work, planning, and anticipation, i knew this trip would be amazing. but it wasn't until we spent two weeks in albania and greece that i truly felt how amazing and life-changing this trip was. this trip was filled with unforgettable experiences and meaningful encounters that will leave a lasting impression on me.

the journey began when we first landed in albania and met albert. albert was one of the hosts who showed us around korce and introduced us with loving arms to the church and his family. his family truly represents what a christ-centered family should look like, and i admire that so much about them. his wife and kids are the sweetest and most loving people you will ever meet. we met the rest of the people on sunday at church service; being around them and listening to them worship in their language is something i could never forget.
seeing people worship and praise our lord in a way i have never seen or heard before was very moving. it made me very excited for the week to interact and show god's love to the children of korce with the help of the people at the church. throughout the week at vbs, we learned some of the ways god will be with you. we shared stories like zaccheus, deborah, jesus calming the storm, jesus healing the 10 leopards, and being jesus' treasure. while teaching, making crafts, and playing games, we had much help from the people at the church to make it all happen and to help us communicate fully with the children. as the week went on, we got closer to the children and the people at the church. we were immersed in so much joy, love, and compassion by the people in korce. we even got friendship bracelets at the market for some of the kids and us to wear so we will always have something to look down on and remember all the memories we made. as the first week ended, it was so hard to say goodbye. there were lots of tears shed, and the kids asked if they would see us next year. it was one of the most challenging moments i faced when saying goodbye to the children. but i knew that i would never forget them and that they would never forget us.
the second part of this journey was in athens, greece. as soon as we landed, dino and mata greeted us. they were another host who showed us around athens after vbs each day. dino and mata are such a loving and caring couple. we were greeted with warm hugs and how much they cared for us with every interaction. they never leave you without telling you how loved and special you are. they were such excellent hosts, and they wanted us to see the absolute best things and places while we were in athens.
the experience and culture were breathtaking. we also encountered another couple in korce and athens who were a tremendous help, beni and sonila. beni took us to a part of athens to help serve and feed the immigrants. we did this with a member of the church, who is the owner of this organization. feeding and serving the immigrants with members of the church after the vbs was over was really moving. it made me fully realize that when people come together, no matter where they come from, to show god's love and serve people, incredible things can happen. during the hour, we helped around 15 families. being able to experience this type of service and how beni interacts with people, you know he is a man after jesus. sonila, his wife, is absolutely wonderful. she prepared and made sure every child had food and a snack before leaving vbs. she even made sure the workers had a snack if they wanted it. she has a servant's heart and a loving soul. sonila also made sure to cook us an authentic greek dish while we were staying in athens, and let's just say it was delicious!

leading up to the first day of vbs, i was so excited to meet the children. i was so excited to teach them the little songs we do during vbs and the moves that go along with them. each day spent with the children made my heart and faith grow bigger and stronger. seeing their smiles when we do the "cowboy style" of the lord's army or their laughter when they try to do all the moves at the same time while singing "if you love jesus" will be some of my favorite memories.
moreover, this trip, the people, the churches, and the children will always have a special place in my heart. this journey not only allowed me to reach other people and teach them god's word but also to be taught by other people in the church and learn so much from them. the amount of love and compassion the people in korce and athens showed us is a feeling i will never forget. thank you, lord, for letting us have this amazing opportunity to spread god's love and share it with some amazing people. lipscomb has been truly a blessing for this and has made life-changing experiences like this happen.
emily powell
not a trip
category: student life