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friendship as mission: san francisco city impact

april 26, 2021

city impact staff

the staff of san francisco city impact.

alex quock, missions director, shares about the vision of city impact and his eleven years of service in san francisco

one of our host partners since 2013, city impact exists to intervene on behalf of the people in an area called the tenderloin. they have been serving the city of san francisco since 1984, addressing poverty, hunger, education, and community outreach.
alex quock, the missions director of city impact, first volunteered with city impact while in college and has now been working with the organization for 11 years. while his dream had always been to serve through global missions, this changed when he saw the need in san francisco. he now serves as the missions director, leads the missions and volunteer center, and serves as the school’s acting principal. 
through a school, an adopt-a-building program, free medical care, social services, an after-school care program, a grocery pantry, and meal services, this organization is dedicated to addressing every need they can, all while sharing the message of hope found in the gospel. 
city impact

medical clinic in san francisco

as alex explained, ““this philosophy drives everything we do in the practical sense of, when we see a need, we’ll do something. if there’s a need or an opportunity, we’ll jump at it.”
while city impact encountered many challenges during the pandemic, alex shared many stories about the resilience of the staff. “people were able to put on even more hats than they normally wear,” he said. “it’s a credit to what god is doing and how much heart people have here. we know there is so much spiraling out of our control but with what we can do, we’re going to continue to serve with all our hearts.”
as alex reflected on the trials of the last years and what he has learned from his eleven years of service with city impact, andrea asked what he thinks about in moments of discouragement. “what keeps us going is this hope that god is not finished with this city, this country, yet.” alex shared. throughout the interview, he often brought up the theme of redemption, explaining that the brokenness is the tenderloin is only a more outward expression of the brokenness in each of us. he clings to the belief that only god is capable of changing communities; all we can do is take small steps of faithfulness. 

not a trip
category: student life