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quest team

the quest team serves throughout the entire summer as orientation leaders. they're here to walk students through the entire process from getting to know campus to hanging out during questweek.

the quest team stands in front of collins alumni auditorium

the 2024 quest team

the quest team is a group of 30 student leaders who go through a rigorous interview, selection and training process to prepare them to serve new students throughout the entire summer as orientation leaders. the role involves leading and managing groups of 20-60 new students, working closely alongside other quest team members on “committees” that are centralized around programming events, and many other miscellaneous tasks to prepare campus and the new student orientation programs to welcome new students as best as possible.

members of the quest team play a major role in the development and implementation of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 's undergraduate new student orientation programs. the position requires hard work and is a serious time commitment; it is also a tremendously rewarding opportunity to help new students maximize their university adjustment and experience. additionally, this role entails a large amount of physical activity, as new student orientation and questweek are fast-paced programs that require many hands to move supplies all across campus to ensure programming runs smoothly and successfully.

2025 quest team applications

follow the steps below to submit an application for the 2025 quest team! applications will open on thursday, december 5th, 2024.

step 1

review our application information document and attend an optional interest meeting!

learn more about the commitment associated with being a quest team member and the qualifications required for the position.

2025 quest team application information sheet

make sure to attend one of our optional interest meetings to hear more from the orientation leadership team about the vision and mission of the program and what to consider while applying for the role.

if you still have questions about the role, this is the perfect place to ask, so mark your calendars!

  • thursday, december 5th, 2024 at 4 pm in ezell 241
  • thursday, january 9th, 2025 at 7 pm in ezell 241
step 2

complete the online application by friday, january 17th, 2025

applications are open now until midnight on friday, january 17th, 2025. we appreciate your time and consideration to be a part of the 2025 quest team!

new member application returning member application

step 3

sign up for an interview time by friday, january 17th, 2025

interviews will last approximately 20 minutes and are held between january 20th - 31st, 2025.

please plan to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the time your interview is scheduled in case there are changes in the interview schedule.

if you need to alter your initial time selection, please email corey shannon at to ensure all changes are accounted for.

sign up for an interview

step 4

submit your references by friday, january 31st, 2025

send the following form to two references (only one for returning team members). it is your responsibility to ensure your references have been submitted by the deadline.

please consider these requirements when asking for references:

  • referrers must be older than 20 years old.
  • referrers cannot be a parent of the applicant.
  • references must include at minimum 1 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 reference.
  • returning team members must submit a 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 reference.

2025 quest team reference form