libhi application instructions
ready to apply for participation in the initiative? here are step by step instructions.
steps for eligible students to participate in the lipscomb initiative for behavioral health integration (libhi).
determine your willingness to select an internship that meets grant criteria. are you open to learning about integrated behavioral health in a primary care setting? you will also need to decide your interest in interning with an organization serving a population of geographically isolated and/or economically/medically vulnerable individuals.
if you decide you want to be apart of the initiative, the next step involves finding a field placement that meets the grant criteria outlined above, is willing to have a student intern, and selects you to serve in this capacity. you are encouraged to be resourceful in finding internship opportunities that would support the grant’s overall purpose.
approved sites currently include;
neighborhood health*
matthew walker health center*
hope clinic for women
lifecare family services
mental health cooperative (crisis services)
mercy community health care
primary care and hope clinic
siloam + partner site
st thomas hickman
health services
austin peay university health services
all internship sites must be approved by faculty prior to final placement.
students attempting to participate in the initiative with an internship site that is not on the approved site list will need to schedule a meeting with dr. melanie morris to discuss your plan.
every student participating in the program will need to complete an integration action plan. this plan outlines how you will coordinate and collaborate with primary care and gathers important demographic data that is used to complete reports to the health resources services administration.
the next step is scanning documents to lynn strevell, lstrevell [at] (lstrevell[at]lipscomb[dot]edu). all documents must be scanned using a scanner in order to comply with lipscomb’s legal department policy. (please do not send pictures of the documents) documents include:
a signed contract, the “commitment to behavioral health integration training and professional growth” agreement.” with all of the editable areas complete,
a signed w-9 (please only scan the first page of the w-9 and do not include the form instructions),
your driver's license or other government issued id.
the initiative requires attendance at all of the integrated behavioral health training opportunities presented by the initiative. these typically include but are not limited to;
libhi orientation
grand rounds trainings (typically offered 5 times each semester)
the annual lipscomb integrated behavioral health conference