is a lipscomb pharm.d. degree the right fit for you?
you have many choices in pharmacy education. but not all of them offer the same opportunities.
as the june 1 pharmcas application deadline approaches, learn what sets a lipscomb pharm.d. degree apart from the rest and determine if it is the right fit for you.
according to our students and alumni, a...
thu, 04/27/2023 - 09:59
posted by grace evans
an admissions update from the admissions coordinator
as most of you know, the last couple of years have been… different. we’ve heard the word ‘unprecedented’ more often than we would ever care to hear it. covid-19 affected almost every facet of society, including colleges of pharmacy. after nearly two full years, the cdc has ended the nationwide...
tue, 03/22/2022 - 09:19
posted by grace evans
who's who in the college of pharmacy: dr. mcgraw
how were you introduced to pharmacy?
i started as a technician at walgreens. the manager of the pharmacy at the time was dr. katrina r. bell. i walked up to the counter and asked her if she would hire me because i wanted to be a pharmacist. the rest is history.
tue, 02/01/2022 - 10:51
posted by grace evans