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learning to be a servant leader

david villacorta urquia was first introduced to lipscomb when a group of lipscomb students came to his home church in honduras on a spring break mission trip.

david villacorta urquia's relationship with lipscomb started from a spring break mission trip. generous giving created the opportunity for him to attend lipscomb as a student.

he was seven years old. flash forward to high school and thinking about colleges, lipscomb was the right choice for him. his father is a missionary and through him, urquia was able to get the missionary scholarship. the scholarship coupled with act score, financial aid, and the help of his parents made it possible for him to attend lipscomb.

every professor he had made an impact on him. the way professors taught him and cared about him helped prepare him for the workforce. he feels that lipscomb has the same values he was raised with and helped him deepen those values and better himself in honesty and integrity. at lipscomb, he was taught to be a be a servant leader. he is so thankful for those who have given to lipscomb. it makes a difference.