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athletic missions baja softball trip reflection

ask someone about colonet and diaz ordaz and they might tell you they are just cities in baja california, mexico.

softball students and coaches on a bus in the baja

ask a player from the 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 softball team and they will probably say it is a second home, a place where a part of their heart will always be.

group of softball students in baja, mexico

our team has gone down to these two churches to serve and help these communities of baja for the last four years, but what each player will tell you is that they end up getting more than they feel like they gave. the way that the people of colonet and diaz ordaz serve us is incredible! the church in colonet feeds us every night and believe me when i say we are never disappointed. the food is amazing and the ladies spend so much time making sure it is good for us.

local baja child with a paper hat.

this year we spent three days painting two different houses for people in these communities and also repainted the church in colonet. on thursday we spent the morning going around and visiting some of the families that had nothing and bringing them food bags to help them out. every afternoon we would get together a group and play soccer in the communities. this is such a fun activity for everyone because they usually want to split us up and have an american vs. mexican match, everyone knows how that game ends. we might not always win the game, but playing with the kids and the adults who decide to join will always be a highlight in my book.

the kids we get the chance to love on are so precious. if you are a returner on this trip you have your kid, or kids that you met last time who impacted your life.

getting to see them again and how much they have grown is incredible. the kids remember who you are and always have the best hugs to give you. they show the love of jesus to us even though most of us cant speak the same language.
softball student holds a infant on a mission trip to baja, mexico

the leaders of the churches, antonio and dulce (colonet), rafael and eunice (diaz ordaz) always make sure we have everything we need while we’re there. the people of these communities have nothing and yet they still manage to be so joyful.

so while to some these may just be little towns in baja to our team, these towns and people are our second families, a place where a part of our heart lives, and for some a place where we can fully see god moving and working in the lives of these communities.