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university classes to follow class schedule disruption policy


a reminder from the provost's office:


given the winter weather warning for the middle tennessee area, faculty and students are reminded to follow the class disruption policy. this policy calls for individual faculty to notify students via email as soon as possible of any canceled classes due to weather situations. instructors are responsible to see that the learning goals of the class are not compromised by any missed class days. missed classes may be rescheduled and/or may result in alternative assignments to achieve the learning goals of the class. 

in situations where the faculty member is able to meet a class period but a student is not able to attend the class due to weather conditions, faculty should work with the individual student to make up the class work missed.

students are encouraged to use discretion about coming to campus and should watch for email messages from their professors about whether or not classes will be meeting as scheduled.

university offices will operate on the regular schedule. for the latest news and information, visit