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two choral veterans partner for ""carmina burana"" performances at lipscomb and harding this february

lacey klotz  | 


when gary p. wilson, professor of music and director of choral and vocal studies at lipscomb, was studying choral music education at harding university in searcy, arkansas nearly four decades ago, he didn’t know the impact that his now friend and colleague dr. cliff ganus, professor of music at harding, would have on his life.

after studying under ganus in a chorus group at harding, wilson says his relationship with ganus has continued through completing his master’s degree at baylor university, his 13-year position as choral director at central arkansas christian high school, his transition into the collegiate level at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 and is going strong today.

carminaburana_sidecliff"cliff has influenced the musical careers and spiritual lives of thousands of christian students, and to me in particular, he became more than a mentor and more than a colleague; he has became a lifelong friend,” said wilson.

this february, the duo will join forces to present “carmina burana,” a grand-scale choral performance involving both lipscomb and harding students, and based on early 20th century work by carl orff, which was founded on poems and songs from the 12th century.

this unparalleled performance will involve 150 voices including three soloists, a boys’ choir and a mixed choir, as well as a full orchestra.

lipscomb’s performance, conducted by wilson, will be on sunday, feb. 19 in collins alumni auditorium at 2 p.m., and harding’s performance, conducted by ganus, will be on sunday, feb. 26 in the administrative auditorium at 2 p.m.

lipscomb’s a cappella singers, university singers, chamber orchestra and additional lipscomb instrumentalists and students will be featured in both performances.

“’carmina burana’ is a piece that will not only excite cliff and me as we conduct each other’s students, but it will also excite the audience,” said wilson. “the piece begins with ‘o fortuna,’ a booming song everyone has heard in countless advertisements and movies.”

“because it requires so many singers, this work demands a real partnership to stage, making it perfect for cliff and me to do as a team.”

wilson says that although he and ganus have worked together on the christian college choral festival, a biennial gathering of church of christ choirs, he is excited to tackle such a grand-scale performance with ganus and a very talented group of musicians. 

“as cliff begins to look over the horizon and consider slowing down after 50 years at harding, he has generously agreed to join me in preparing a performance that will be a gift for any music-loving audience.

carminaburana_sidegroup“it was music that brought cliff and me together, but it was his godly spirit and my willingness to learn that made our relationship grow and become richer over the years. we hope this performance will accomplish the same for a new generation of choral music lovers at both lipscomb and harding.

as director of choral and vocal studies at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 , wilson also directs the vocal jazz ensemble and oversees the vocal studio program. in 2012 wilson founded the lipscomb men’s choral festival, an annual event that brings high school singers together for a performance of men’s choral literature on lipscomb’s campus. choirs under wilson’s leadership have performed at regional and state music conferences, in new york city's carnegie hall and in venues throughout the united states and europe.

lipscomb’s school of music is a cornerstone of the college of entertainment & the arts and represents the intersection of robust musical tradition and current innovation. the school shares 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s commitment to christian liberal arts education and functions as an integral part of that commitment. our mission is to lead students to an appreciation and comprehension of the creative spirit across time and culture, within the context of the christian faith.

for more information, contact lipscomb’s school of music at 615.966.5929 or visit

- additional reporting by janel shoun-smith