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student's open gallery in the arcade features jason judd, editor for bite magazine

janel shoun-smith  | 

jason judd, a chicago-based visual artist, co-director of the chicago art and contemporary practices organization and art editor for bite magazine, will be featured in the open gallery throughout september, with an opening reception held during the fifth avenue art crawl, saturday, sept. 7, 6-9 p.m.

the open gallery, now in its second year of operation, is wholly operated and curated by the students of the 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 department of art, and is located in the nashville arcade, at 244 fifth ave. n., nashville.

on saturday, the gallery will feature judd’s exhibit “adjustments: one through five,” exploring the patterns of presenting artworks in modernist and institutional exhibition spaces—creating an environment in which the artwork and the systems of presentation (hanging, leveling, preparing) are blurred. judd uses his experience in gallery installation and exhibition planning to create a tension between the presentation constructing the artwork and the artwork framing the gallery. judd does not separate his practice from the exhibition space.

judd’s solo exhibitions include “essays in navigation;” “baltimore at lease agreement,” baltimore, md.; “the third death” at spacecamp gallery in indianapolis, ind.; and a two-person exhibition “truth and being at the plaines project” in chicago, ill. he has participated in group exhibitions at ebersmoore gallery, johalla projects, evanston art center, university galleries, herron school of art and design, columbia college, spudnik press and the warrenville historical museum.

new exhibits debut each month at the fifth avenue art crawl, on the first saturday of each month. or exhibits can be viewed by appointment throughout the rest of the month by calling 561.420.9315.