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the students are back!

autumn marshall | 

autumn marshall

it's coming!

the students are back on campus, pumpkin is beginning to reappear on menus around town, and we all anxiously await the cooler weather of the fall season.

we at lipscomb also await the approval of the new standards for dietetics education programs, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. many of you serve as preceptors for our students in experiential education, or as employers of our graduates, or both, and as you prepare for their arrival you can join me in saying: "it's coming!"

the students will return to you soon, and we are so grateful for all that you do to train and employ the next generation of health care professionals in nutrition. if you ever want to come to campus, just let us know and we'll be sure to reserve a parking spot for you and take you on a tour!

you are always welcome here, and we'd love to see you again.