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spring semester start delayed until wednesday due to weather

university communication & marketing  | 

this is to notify the 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 community that in light of history-making weather over much of the country this weekend and into tuesday, with temperatures in nashville expected to drop to near zero, the beginning of the spring semester will be delayed until wednesday as a precaution to protect the safety of our students. in addition, local officials have apprised us as a precaution that demand on utilities could result in unscheduled shut downs for undetermined periods of time. while we do not at this time expect weather-related issues, the university feels it is best judgment to wait a few days to begin the new semester.

we are asking local students – both boarding and commuter students coming in for classes - to remain at home or return home. we anticipate these students can come to campus by late tuesday, although please wait for official notification.

for those students who are already on campus or in transit from outside nashville and cannot reasonably change travel arrangements, please be assured that if utilities are limited, we have already taken action to have alternatives to keep those students safe and comfortable in the 48 hours of this weather difficulty.

for new students who are already in town, the new student express orientation scheduled to begin with lunch at 12:15 p.m. sunday afternoon will proceed as planned. we anticipate being finished well before the bad weather moves in.

university offices will observe normal working hours monday and tuesday. all university support services, including food services in bennett, will follow normal schedules. monday’s men’s basketball game at 5 p.m. will be played as scheduled.