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resurrection week to celebrate freedom in christ

kim chaudoin | 615.966.6494  | 

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the lipscomb community will have the opportunity to commemorate the death and resurrection of christ during a series of events on campus beginning monday, march 21 and concluding with an all-campus communion service easter evening.

the theme of this year’s resurrection week is freedom, says cyrus eaton, director of the mentoring program in the office of campus life. each year the lipscomb community celebrates resurrection week.

“we are taking the theme of freedom from paul's letter to the galatians,” he says. “in galatians 5:1 we read, ‘for freedom christ has set us free. stand firm, therefore, and do not submit yourselves again to the yoke of slavery.’ we are excited for this opportunity to celebrate what christ has done for us and celebrate our identity as a family here at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 .” 

resurrection week begins with a kick-off event on monday, march 21, at 7 p.m. in the ezell center chapel. guests are invited to participate in a time of reflection, and a time for prayer “to prepare our hearts for the week ahead,” says eaton. there will also be refreshments available.

on tuesday, march 22, during the weekly gathering service at 10:55 a.m. in allen arena, a special service focusing on the theme of freedom is planned. recess is set for mcquiddy gym at 9 p.m. on wednesday, march 23.

a prayer walk will take place in bison square on thursday, march 24. it begins at 10:55 a.m. later in the day, at 9 p.m., the community is invited to participate in a student-led worship service in flatt amphitheater adjacent to bennett campus center.

a good friday gathering will take place on friday, march 25 in allen arena at 11 am. 

“during the service we will hear from various departments on campus as we reflect on christ’s life leading up to the cross and as we prepare our hearts for his defeat of death,” says eaton.

on the evening of sunday, march 27, easter, eaton says a new family tradition called all-campus communion will be launched. this will take place in flatt amphitheater at 7 p.m.

“this will be a time of worship and celebration for our entire lipscomb family of who jesus is, what he has done, and how his sacrifice has given new life to us all,” he says.

eaton says he believes this will be a meaningful week for everyone.

“with the help of a lot of lipscomb staff, faculty and students, resurrection week will be full of opportunities to connect relationally with each other as we try to connect individually with jesus,” eaton says. “each day, with the help of our bible faculty and other leaders on campus, we will send out a devotional via campus email for our lipscomb family to meditate on together. additionally, each day will include opportunities of reflection, worship, and celebration in response to the gospel message.” 

events are open to the public as well as the lipscomb community and everyone is invited to attend.