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'pizza & politics' program lets students make tough budget decisions with concord coalition exercise

university communication and marketing  | 

students will have a unique opportunity to think like a congressman and make tough budget decisions at a special edition of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s pizza & politics series wednesday, march 13. 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s nelson and sue andrews institute for civic leadership and college of business are partnering with the concord coalition and the campaign to fix the debt to offer this unique look at the tough issues surrounding government spending and the growing federal debt.

students and interested community members will get the chance to have their opinions and voices heard during the "principles and priorities" federal budgeting session, which is being presented by the concord coalition at colleges across the country.

the event begins at 6:30 p.m. in lipscomb’s shamblin theatre, located in the bennett campus center. the eventis free and open to the public. pizza will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

during the event, participants will consider current federal spending priorities, entitlement programs, tax policy, and a host of other budget decisions to come up with their preferred combination of spending and tax policies -- and the priorities they believe should be at the forefront of the nation's fiscal agenda.

“principles and priorities” offers a very timely and informative exercise especially in light of the federal sequester and need for the white house and the congress to enact a common-sense and comprehensive plan to fix the debt.

the concord coalition is a non-partisan organization that aims to educate the public about the causes and consequences of government budget deficits as well as potential solutions to the country's economic problems.

the campaign to fix the debt is a non-partisan movement to put america on a better fiscal and economic path by mobilizing people all across america who want to see elected officials step up to solve our nation's fiscal challenges.