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<em>new york times</em>, <em>newsweek</em> spotlight access lipscomb

chris pepple | 

recently, both the new york times and newsweek featured articles examining the reinvention of higher education. the articles focused primarily on the benefits of choosing to finish college in three years. as both publications noted, 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 announced a three-year option in april, along with a plan for veterans to attend tuition-free and make it easier and more affordable for community-college students to attend through an initiative called access lipscomb.

access lipscomb features three new initiatives:

  • through its veteran scholars initiative, lipscomb intends to match dollar-for-dollar the federal government aid provided through the yellow ribbon g.i. program, allowing eligible military veterans and their family members to earn an undergraduate lipscomb degree tuition-free. in addition, lipscomb will designate veteran liaisons in its student services, counseling and career centers.
  • the community college initiative establishes a full-tuition trustee’s scholarship for one student from each of the tennessee board of regents community colleges and a new $2,500 scholarship for eligible community college students who transfer with a minimum of 30 credit hours. in addition, lipscomb has established a streamlined process for accepting community college credits.
  • the three-year education plan adds the option of earning a bachelor’s degree in three years. the three-year plan requires classes during two summers resulting in a $10,000 savings and the opportunity to enter the workforce or pursue a master’s degree a year early.