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new books, international presentations highlight faculty's fall 2011 scholarship

janel shoun | 

faculty/staff scholarship and honors


new books by lipscomb faculty

three professors in the colleges of bible and ministry, and art and sciences released major publications this fall semester:

lee. c. camp
camp, professor of bible, authored who is my enemy: questions american christians must face about islam… and themselves, released by brazospress in september.
current discussion of islam in america tends toward two polar extremes. on one hand is the notion that christianity is superior to islam and that muslims are warmongers. on the other is the notion that all religions basically say the same thing and are peaceable. camp argues that both these extremes are wrong. he introduces christian and islamic views on war and peacemaking and examines christian and non-christian terrorism to help readers confront their own prejudices.
camp’s previous writings include the book mere discipleship.
craig carroll
carroll, chair of the communication and journalism department, is among the top scholars published in the handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility, released by wiley-blackwell in august.
this bookpresents the definitive research collection for corporate social responsibility communication, offering cross-disciplinary and international perspectives from the top scholars in the field.
carroll’s previous writings include corporate reputation and the news media.

kim reed
reed, professor of english and foreign languages, served as co-editor for henry james and the supernatural, released by macmillan in july.
why was henry james drawn to the supernatural and what narrative purpose did his repeated use of the ghostly fulfill? covering a wide range of james’ fiction and non-fiction, distinguished james scholars deal with the complex ways in which the author’s interest in the supernatural blends with his philosophical historical and cultural engagement.  
reed’s previous writings include the turn of the screw and other stories.
risk management director becomes secretary of urmia
kathy hargis, director of risk management at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 , was recently inducted as secretary of the university risk management and insurance association (urmia) for the 2011-2012 membership year. hargis was inducted at the 42nd annual conference in portland, oregon.
lavender presents at international patristics conference at oxford
dr. earl lavender,professor of bible and director of the institute for christian spirituality, presented his paper “a ship in tempestuous waters: the pastoral ecclesiology of chromatius of aquileia,” at the 16th annual international conference on patristic studies, held at the university of oxford. chromatius was one of the first bishops to emphasize meditative reading and deeper contemplation of scripture.the conference is a gathering of scholars from around the world held every four years and has become a major event for the many disciplines concerned with patristics, the study of the writings and background of the church fathers.

marketing director wins “above and beyond” award

lisa shacklett, executive director of marketing and enrollment, in the college of business, was awarded the president’s above and beyond award by cable, tennessee’s largest and most established network of professionals with more than 500 members and a 30-year history of helping women reach their full potential. shacklett serves on the cable board of directors as the women on corporate boards committee co-chair.
“these impressive leaders showcase not only our strength as a networking group but also cable’s capacity to help tennessee women achieve new levels of professional success,” said lolita toney, cable president.
campus life
career center director authors editorial in tennessean
monica wentworth, director of the career development center, was featured in the tennessean on sept. 6, 2011, with an editorial on whether the economy is requiring more from young workers. wentworth argued that students have always needed leadership skills on top of strong academic skills to be competitive. now they need leadership skills even more to successfully find a job in the current economy, she said.

communication & journalism
carroll presents corporate social responsibility research internationally
in fall 2011, craig carroll, chair of the communication and journalism department, was one of only two american professors invited to present at the international corporate identity group conference in segovia, spain. he was one of 42 scholars invited to present at the international conference. carroll presented a methodology for assessing organizational integrity, the degree to which an organization lives up to its professed values. other scholars at the conference presented research on ferrari in italy and the changing national identity of china.
in october, carroll appeared on a plenary discussion panel in amsterdam at the conference, communicating corporate social responsibility. sixty presenters from 30 countries were invited to participate at this inaugural international conference. carroll, a visiting scholar at the university of cambridge, england, this summer, presented his research examining how the news media cover companies defending their reputations in response to published news reports about their involvement in csr issues.
this semester, he also published an article on the media’s historic role in covering corporate responsibility in the journal of business ethics' october issue, an article on "does media attention drive corporate social responsibility" in the journal of business research, and portions of his research also served as the basis for a research project that was awarded the jack felton golden ruler award, an international competition for corporate communication campaign evaluation.
click here to see more on carroll’s research
click here to see more on his corporate social responsibility research
executive-in-residence published in tennessean, visits white house
debi taylor tate, former fcc commissioner and current executive-in-residence for the department of communication and journalism, continues her national work to promote healthy media use by children and families through work with the white house and other opportunities.
as co-chair of the healthy media: commission for positive images of women and girls, along with oscar-winning actress geena davis, tate was invited to a roundtable discussion with the white house office of women and girls along with the girl scouts of america and “i am that girl,” a national nonprofit inspiring confidence in young women by building community and creating healthy media.
on thursday, sept. 22, tate was featured with a spotlight editorial in the tennessean on social media education in public schools. tate argued that “digital media literacy should be a part of every curriculum in every school in the country.”

choral professor selected to present research at library of congress
dr. gary wilson, director of choral activities, has been invited to present his doctoral research in june 2012 at the american choral directors association national symposium in washington d.c. the purpose of the symposium is to identify and examine music of american composers from an earlier era that has been neglected. dr. wilson’s research is on the choral music of american composer edward macdowell. the conference will take place at the library of congress, with concerts at the new york avenue presbyterian church.
college of pharmacy
associate professor is president-elect of state pharmacy association
kamala “kam” nola, pharm.d., associate professor of pharmacy practice and vice chair of the department of pharmacy practice, was installed as the 2011-2012 president-elect of the tennessee pharmacists association (tpa) at its 124th annual convention held recently in kingsport, tenn. nola’s prior work experience includes working as associate executive director for the tpa. the tpa is a professional organization of more than 2,500 pharmacists and student pharmacists in all practice areas across the state, promoting the delivery of quality pharmaceutical care and working to enhance the knowledge, ethics and skills of pharmacists, as well as to protecting and improving public health.
professors present at national association for colleges of pharmacy
six professors from the college of pharmacy department of pharmaceutical sciences, were presenters at the annual american association of college of pharmacy (aacp) conference in 2011. department chair scott akers, joe deweese, susan mercer, steve phipps, mike fowler and jeff mccormack, presented at the peer-reviewed, academic conference held in july 2011.
the professors’ five poster presentations all centered on innovative ways to teach core science in pharmacy programs. they presented new ideas using computer modeling, hands-on techniques for chemistry labs and ways to use simulations. topics included teaching cardio physiology, using integrated laboratories, drug design and drug formulation and release.
this is the third year faculty from the lipscomb college of pharmacy have been selected to present at the aacp annual conference.
assistant professor earns certificate from accp academy
lauren k. mccluggage, pharm.d., bcps, assistant professor in the department of pharmacy practice, graduated from the american college of clinical pharmacy (accp) academy in october with a teaching and learning certificate. the accp academy offers a flexible, curricular approach to enhancing members’ abilities in their major areas of responsibility. the academy provides four unique professional development programs leading to certificates of completion in career advancement, leadership and management, research and scholarship, and teaching and learning.