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new alumni society awards inaugural ward scholarship

janel shoun-smith | 

the j.s. ward society, a group of alumni and friends passionate about the health sciences at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 , presented the inaugural ward scholarship this fall to jordan beale. beale is a senior biochemistry major who serves as student government association president. she also participates in the lipscomb presidential ambassador program, an on-campus leadership development program.

jordan beale in lab

the ward scholarship, the most prestigious award given to a student planning a health science career, provides up to $10,000 annually toward student tuition. beale plans to become a cardiologist and has already shadowed health care professionals in the cardiology field. she spent a semester in kenya working in an orphanage and in an emergency room.  she also completed volunteer work at the siloam family health clinic in nashville.

during her undergraduate years, the murray, kentucky, student has also coordinated the lipscomb student body’s relay for life annual event and participated in a mission trip to mexico with her home congregation.

beale was selected through faculty nominations and a rigorous application process based on academic merit and overall involvement in the life of the lipscomb community. beale has been accepted to the university of kentucky medical school and at press time was interviewing with others.

lipscomb’s alumni in the fields of science and those alumni who have chosen a health science career are automatically considered members of the j.s. ward society. the award is named for dr. james samuel ward, a doctor and dentist who joined the lipscomb faculty in 1893, just two years after the school’s founding. dr. ward’s contributions were critical in lipscomb’s long-standing history of excellent health science education. he twice served as president of lipscomb, then called nashville bible school.

jordan beale
jordan beale

those who wish to financially support the health sciences or the ward scholarship at lipscomb can do so through the ward society’s four giving levels. members of the j.s. ward society are involved in providing the ward scholarship, a robust mentoring program, an executive-in-residence program for lipscomb alums working in the allied health sciences and the heroes of science program for non-lipscomb alums. the ward society is overseen by a board of visitors.

if you are interested in participating in the j.s. ward society contact jeff fincher at 615.966.6214.