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nearly 150 middle tennessee high school students participate in lipscomb's stem day

haley coble  | 


世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 strives to expose students of all ages to academics in such a way that demonstrates the importance and fun of studying math, chemistry, biology, computers, physics, engineering and psychology.stemday_side3

one way in particular is through lipscomb’s annual science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) day. 

on friday, feb. 26, nearly 150 high school students from middle tennessee participated in lipscomb’s 18th annual stem day from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

hosted by lipscomb’s department of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, psychology in the college of liberal arts & sciences and the college of computing & technology, along with the raymond b. jones college of engineering, students were divided into groups of 15-30 and rotated between six classrooms where they participated in chemistry, math, biology, psychology, physics/engineering and computer activities.

stem day gives high school students the unique opportunity to learn about future degrees and career options, develop personally in each field as well as creativity, team building and enhanced curriculum.

while on campus, high school students participated in hands-on activities including paper folding of geometric figures in math, chemistry and biology experiments, stemday_side2producing parts of a video game, seeing behavior characteristics of people, and seeing the effects of sound waves, giving them a first-hand look at science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs at lipscomb.

gary hall, a professor in the department of mathematics and coordinator of lipscomb’s stem day, explained how seeing the reactions of the students each year are some of his most cherished memories of this event.

“just hearing of the fun and seeing the smiles on the students' faces when they see what they can learn and do is my favorite part of the event,” said hall. “all of these departments do a great job in putting their parts together; it really is an effort put on by so many people working together.”

for more information about stem day visit: //