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世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 accreditation reaffirmed for second consecutive time without recommendation for improvement

kim chaudoin | 615.966.6494  | 

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世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 officials have received reaffirmation of its accreditation through 2027 from the southern association of colleges and schools commission on colleges (sacscoc).

the announcement was made tuesday, dec. 5, during the commission's annual meeting in dallas, texas. lipscomb was reaffirmed with no recommendations, meaning there are no outstanding issues to be addressed. this is the second consecutive reaffirmation with no recommendations.

the reaffirmation comes after a series of vigorous reviews-both on-site and off-site-to ensure that 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 is continuing to provide the resources, programs and services to accomplish its mission of excellence in teaching and learning. the university was last reaffirmed in 2007.

“earning reaffirmation is the direct result of years of hard work by many people on campus and a reflection of our effectiveness in preparing our graduates for lives of faith, exceptional leadership and service,” said l. randolph lowry, 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 president. "being reaffirmed with no recommendations is about as good of a report as an you can have, and it reflects the tremendous quality of our institution. it is particularly significant that ten years ago we received the same reaffirmation without recommendation. that’s extremely unusual, and it truly is a result of the efforts of everyone in the lipscomb community.”

reaffirmation also signifies that 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 meets or exceeds national standards and enables the university to receive federal funds, including scholarships, loans and research grants. it is an important element of recognition for students working toward degrees at lipscomb.

lipscomb’s sacscoc reaffirmation leadership team included: lowry, w. craig bledsoe, provost; danny taylor, senior vice president for finance and chief financial officer; randy bouldin, vice provost for academic affairs and graduate studies; elaine griffin, vice provost for accreditation and institutional effectiveness; steve prewitt, associate provost; kim reed, chair of the department of english and modern languages; and catherine terry, associate provost for institutional effectiveness.

the reaffirmation process is conducted every 10 years. lipscomb hosted a sacscoc on-site reaffirmation committee in march in preparation for the december reaffirmation. during the site visit, the reaffirmation team studied lipscomb’s quality enhancement plan, a program called light: illuminating cultural engagement . the goal of light is to create awareness of and to encourage a global mindset within the lipscomb community. the goals of light are increased understanding of various cultural practices, systems and institutional structures; improved student ability to explore various cultural practices, systems and institutional structures in relation to their own; and expanded engagement with diverse communities locally, interculturally and globally. during the 2007 reaffirmation process, lipscomb launched the salt (serving and learning together) qep initiative.

sacscoc is the regional accrediting body for institutions awarding degrees at the baccalaureate, master's and doctoral levels. it accredits higher education institutions in the southern states and serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse institutions in alabama, florida, georgia, kentucky, louisiana, mississippi, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, texas, virginia and latin america and other international sites approved by the commission.