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lipscomb confers first mpa degrees dec. 16

mpa program shapes public service leaders for the intricacies of public administration.

keely hagan | 615-966-6491 | 

mpa students in washington, d.c. 2023

mpa class of 2023 in washington, d.c.

世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 will award master’s of public administration (mpa) degrees for the first time on dec. 16, at the university’s 2023 december commencement ceremony. the school of public policy in the college of leadership & public service launched the program in the fall of 2022. 

as the program’s first 11 graduates walk across the stage to receive their mpas, they carry with them a profound understanding of policy making processes, data analysis, and critical thinking – skills crucial for making informed and impactful decisions in the areas of government and nonprofit service.

laura encalade headshot

laura encalade

“our students have had a number of transformational experiences throughout the mpa program, including working closely with a professional mentor; researching and creating policy solutions for key public policy issues; developing personal leadership action plans; and traveling to dc to study federal policy,” says laura encalade, assistant professor and executive director of the school of public policy. 

the inaugural mpa class, some already in public service and each early in their careers are ready to make a difference in their areas of interest. they have gained essential skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of public administration and have completed the rigorous requirements of the mpa program that places a strong emphasis on research and leadership development. 

“we want them to be leaders in their communities,” says scott bledsoe, assistant professor in the school of public policy. “but we also want them to be at the forefront of their fields, and that requires being able to interpret the work. it’s learning research methods, being intentional about examining the numbers and tables and charts – the engine driving the research, and understanding the mechanics of interpreting results and how conclusions are drawn. it’s immersing themselves in a body of knowledge. it’s how researchers become experts, which qualifies them to be the leaders in their fields.”

scott bledsoe headshot

scott bledsoe

according to bledsoe, “students are ready to hit the ground running when they leave the program. they have practical skills for using data to make better decisions, they’ve connected with mentors who are actively doing the work they are interested in, they know what to expect and they’ve seen what’s required to be successful.” 

from the start of their academic journey, mpa students take a class where they learn alongside those in the master’s of leadership and public service (mlps) program. while the mpa program focuses on nurturing the research, implementation, and management skills of those at the beginning of their public policy careers, the mlps program is tailored for seasoned professionals with experience in policy and executive leadership. the convergence of these diverse perspectives, ideas and experiences enriched the learning environment, offering a more comprehensive vantage point on leadership in public service.

the graduation of the first mpa cohort affirms lipscomb’s dedication to cultivating a new generation of public service leaders. these graduates, armed with knowledge, ethics, and a passion for positive change, are ready to embark on their professional journeys and make a lasting impact in the communities they serve.