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lifelong learning to travel to cuba and europe in 2019

cate zenzen  | 

lipscomb's lifelong learning program is centered around the human desire to know more. the program offers non-credit courses taught by lipscomb faculty and local educators to give senior adults, lipscomb alumni or otherwise, a chance to continue their education.

through this program “people continue to learn through their elder years and continue to stay connected with the university, socially and academically,” said amy hamar, director of lifelong learning. lifelong_look

in addition to classroom education, the program offers trips as part of the curriculum. both national and international, there are about two excursions offered each year. the locations are chosen based on student interest, events happening in the area, and the faculty members that want to go. 

“a lot of times a professor comes with us,” said hamar. “we’ll go to the place where they love to teach about.”

for 2019, the first destination is cuba. hosted by lipscomb alumni morgan and sandy davis with the american bible society, this is lifelong learning’s first mission trip. the group will distribute bibles to the people of cuba as part of the abs’ “million bible mission” initiative.

the davis’ have participated in this program several times before, said hamar. “we’re excited to have them as leaders because they have such a heart for it.”

the second trip, july 2019, will take travelers to france, belgium, germany and austria on a historical tour to commemorate the 75th anniversary of d-day. accompanied by an historian, the group will be immersed in a close-up education of world war ii.

to prepare for traveling, the program includes preliminary courses focusing on the subject about to be explored. these courses are offered to anyone, but travelers are encouraged to attend in anticipation of their upcoming adventures.  

in the fall, 2018 semester, frank robinson, assistant professor of history at vanderbilt university, is teaching a course titled “cuba and the united states.” the class is an exploration of the relational history between the two countries.lifelong_group

later in the semester, tim johnson, professor of history at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 will teach “critical decisions and decisive moments: vignettes in wwii history.” this course invites students to remember the leaders and events of world war ii and the impact it had on the world.

a class list for fall 2018 can be found at

while the 75th anniversary d-day tour is full, there are still spots open for cuba.

for more information contact amy hamar at amy.hamar [at] or at 615-966-6216.