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kinesiology celebrates accreditation and this year’s day of giving

ruth henry | 

ruth henry

this semester is an exciting time for the department of kinesiology. in december, we were granted accreditation of our exercise science program by caahep, the council on the accreditation of allied health education programs, and by doing so, became the first accredited program in tennessee!  

in addition, our graduate program in exercise and nutrition science gained recognition for our strength and conditioning program by the national strength and conditioning association (nsca). lipscomb joins only one other grad program in tennessee to achieve this recognition.  we are so proud of these accomplishments and are excited about the advantages they will bring to our students.

remember that our 2022 day of giving is 2/22/22!  we have so much for which to be thankful in kinesiology, and your gift can help us accomplish even more for our students! this year, we have chosen to focus day of giving contributions in two areas: honoring the memory of our beloved professor lynn griffith through student research and mission opportunities and supporting kinesiology scholarships honoring trish hodgson-carruth, a teacher whose memory we still treasure.

most of all, we ask that you pray for our department as we move into an exciting time for all of us. we have been richly blessed and want to keep our great legacy moving forward!  and if you are an alumnus, please keep in touch.  we love hearing from you!
dr. ruth henry
chair, department of kinesiology


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