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this has been an exciting year for our department!

ruth henry | 

ruth henry

hello, kinesiology friends:
this has been an exciting year for our department! we have survived a year of cohorting, masking and partially remote learning, and are now looking forward to a new academic year with all the benefits of in-person learning.  
our biggest news is that we are now the “department of kinesiology” instead of the “department nutrition and kinesiology,” our department structure for the past seven years  with our growing enrollment and the college’s forthcoming addition of an m.s. in nutrition, it seemed this was the perfect time to separate the departments to encourage future growth in both kinesiology and nutrition. learn more about this change here.
in kinesiology we are also pursuing accreditation for our exercise science program through coaes, the council on accreditation for the exercises sciences.  by the end of this school year, we hope to be fully accredited!
we have also hired a new faculty member to replace our beloved dr. lynn griffith, who passed away suddenly in june 2020.  andrew mauldin began working with us on august 1, and will primarily cover the sport management area. learn more about andrew and sports management here.
please keep us in your prayers as we begin this school year, and feel free to stop by the hughes center for a visit anytime!

ruth henry
chair, department of kinesiology