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haney wins one degree away from making a difference video competition

kim chaudoin | 

cory haney wants to make a difference in the world. and, he believes that an mba from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s college of business will do just that.

haney will be able to put his plan into action a little more easily with a full-tuition scholarship to lipscomb’s graduate studies in business program at lipscomb. he was announced today as the winner of the one degree away from making a difference scholarship video contest, where the producer of the video entry receiving the most votes online would be awarded a full-tuition scholarship to the program. the full scholarship is worth up to $40,250 for haney to pursue an mba degree.

“cory is very passionate about making a difference in the world. in his video he told a very compelling story of how a graduate business degree from lipscomb will help him make a positive impact on the lives of others,” said lisa shacklett, assistant dean of lipscomb’s college of business.

in his video, haney tells of taking a trip to tiriki, africa and how it impacted his life and inspired him to found a nonprofit organization. he said he would like to use a graduate business degree to help grow that organization into one that will have a far-reaching impact globally.

“i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 for giving me this life-changing opportunity to further my education,” said haney, who works at servicesource in nashville. “i've had the desire to go back to school for several years and this video scholarship is a gateway for me to pursue those dreams.  i feel exceedingly blessed to have family and friends who went over and beyond what i ever expected to support me and make those dreams a reality. i am excited to be a part of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 and start classes in the fall. this has truly been an incredible experience.”

beginning this fall, haney will post a monthly video blog on about his experience at lipscomb as well as how his studies will help pursue his goals of making a difference in the world.

haney’s video was one of six finalists selected from among 29 entries into the contest. participants were asked to submit a two-minute video sharing how they want to make a difference in their organization, community, or the world and how a graduate business degree from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 will help them do it. the six finalists were posted online for the public to vote on its favorites from june 28 to july 15. more than 80,000 votes from around the world were placed during the 18-day voting period. votes were audited and verified at the close of voting. haney’s video received the top number of votes in the contest.

“lipscomb’s graduate business program has built a reputation as a cutting-edge program with a track record for producing emerging leaders prepared to make a difference in the world. this scholarship contest was a way to make it possible for someone with dreams of effecting positive change in an industry or community to receive the support they need to help realize those dreams,” said turney stevens, dean of lipscomb’s college of business.

shacklett said the contest proved to be successful.

“the success of the competition has far exceeded our expectations,” she said. “not only was the creativity and quality of these videos impressive, but the compelling stories they told were as well. the entrants were very passionate about how a graduate business degree from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 can help them make a difference in the world. the overwhelming support shown in votes from all over the world demonstrated that our finalists are already making a huge impact in the world, and we know that the skills and knowledge gained through the graduate business degree will only strengthen that impact.”

shacklett said she was moved by the compelling stories told in the videos. among the 29 contest entrants were oksana nelson, who was adopted from a russian orphanage at age 10 who plans to open a nonprofit organization; steve morrow, board member of the well coffeehouse, a new venture in green hills which uses its profits to build clean water wells around the world; katy sheesley, who desires to combine her engineering background and sustainable business practices to create a better earth; and eddie anstey, who has worked in international business and ministry for more than a decade.

“the one degree away from making a difference scholarship contest has come to a close, and what an amazing journey it has been. from setting out to tell a story, to being selected as a finalist, to having friends, family, colleagues, even strangers, from all over the world show their support has not only been humbling, but immensely encouraging,” said anstey. “seeing potential realized in people and organizations has been a compelling force in my career.  while i was unsuccessful in obtaining the most votes in this competition, the experience has been a huge step forward in helping me realize my own potential.  a lot of people took the time to make a difference for me, and i intend to use this experience to make a difference for others.”

the one degree from making a difference scholarship contest was the first of its kind in the nation.

“this was a very unique competition,” said shacklett. “we are the first university in the nation to offer a full graduate scholarship where the winner was selected by the voting public. while all the videos proved that the finalists deserved the scholarship, the winner was not selected by the university. the finalists that used their networks and social media tools drove the voting portion of the contest and created an awareness all over the world that lipscomb is a university that strives to prepare leaders to make a difference well beyond our city and ultimately in the world.”

for more information about graduate business degrees at lipscomb, visit or call 615.966.1833.