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greetings from the 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 school of nursing

chelsia harris | 

chelsia harris

what a critical time to be a nurse! the last two years have been exponentially challenging, and yet ever-so rewarding. throughout the entire pandemic, no matter the circumstances, nurses have responded to the call.

nurses are brave. nurses are courageous. nurses are compassionate. nurses meet people where they are and are critical to the health and well-being of our nation and world.  

whether it is administering preventative vaccines, assisting in bringing a new life into this world, teaching a mother how to care for her newborn, performing life-saving measures on a hospitalized patient, or remaining with the critically-ill isolated patient so they don’t die alone, it is a nurse who is there. 

nurses do great things!  we are the heartbeat of the health care profession. for the 20th consecutive year, nurses were voted by the public as the most ethical and trusted professionals in the united states (gallup, 2022).  this is not by accident. nurses are truly health care heroes! 

however, caregiving is difficult. it can often fatigue the body, mind and spirit. it is imperative that we take care of ourselves, so that we can continue to care for others. doing things that “fill your cup” or bring you joy, creating strong boundaries and discussing your feelings with your closest support group are essential for caregivers, especially nurses. i recently started painting while listening to worship music.  i often find myself singing and praising as i get “lost” in the painting. it has been essential in helping me to decompress, provide rest for my mind, heart and soul, and to allow my hypothetical cup to be refilled.  

alumni, students, and all nurses reading this letter, i challenge you to find something that fills you up, offers you a moment of rest and allows you to keep giving of yourself in this incredible profession called nursing! 

always remember, god does not call the equipped.  he equips the called. 

thank you for answering the call.  

in christ, 

dr. chelsia harris
executive director, school of nursing