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greetings from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 college of pharmacy

tom campbell | 

tom campbell

american humorist, erma bombeck said, “when i stand before god at the end of my life, i would hope that i would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'i used everything you gave me’.”

over the past two years those of us in health care, and specifically the pharmacy profession, can identify with this quote. the pandemic affects nearly every aspect of our lives and plays a significant role in how the college operates. from the classroom to student recruitment, we changed. our alumni worked longer than normal hours in order to meet patients’ needs. we have been impacted by significant health issues with our families and friends. the struggle that so many have endured has made for a difficult and painful time.
yet, god has used us as a light during this period. our student pharmacists, alumni, faculty and staff continue to persevere. we modified our approaches to doing business, we innovated and we encouraged one another each step of the way.

most importantly, we continue to use our knowledge, skills and passion to make a difference in our communities. our frontline students, faculty and alumni have vaccinated thousands upon thousands of lives. they continue offering the best patient care and our research programs continue finding tomorrow’s answers to today’s questions. we certainly use everything god gives us… and we are not done!
as you look through the stories of this newsletter, i hope you take note of the many accomplishments of the lipscomb pharmacy family. we have a lot to celebrate!

i also want you to continue dreaming with me about what more we can accomplish together! the college needs your help continuing to bring servant-hearted students and supporting the college’s mission of helping patients live better, healthier lives. please know you are always invited to join us on campus for a visit or connect with us through phone, email or our social media. i want to hear from you. the best is yet to come!
go bisons!

dr. thomas m. campbell
dean, college of pharmacy

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