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greetings from the college of pharmacy

we are doing our part to minimize the effects of this nasty virus.

tom campbell | 

male faculty member, tom campbell, head shot

tom campbell

i hope this newsletter finds you well and in good health. it is truly a wonderful time to be in the profession of pharmacy as we are quickly becoming a focal point regarding covid-19 vaccinations. 

our student pharmacists and faculty have been actively engaged with many of our health partners in administering what is now in the thousands of vaccines across the state, southern kentucky, and northern alabama. i know this is just the beginning and i look forward to the opportunities to serve our community, region and state, especially in underserved areas, as the vaccine rollout continues.

we are also excited to see many reports that the large pharmacy chains are ramping up the hiring of pharmacists to help meet the increasing demand for pharmacy services. this is much needed and will certainly be a benefit to the patients we serve. we are so proud of the many stories we hear about how our alumni are improving patients' lives. keep up the great work!

back on campus, we are in the midst of the third academic semester that has been influenced by the pandemic. we continue to utilize a mix of live and remote instruction in order to keep our student pharmacists safe and to limit the transmission of this disease. due to the limitations of being able to be together in-person, we are having to be creative in approaches to connect with student pharmacists and keep them engaged in the learning process.

i am so proud of the job our faculty and staff have done in this area!  i am also very proud of the flexibility and resilience that our student pharmacists have shown through these changes. we are all ready to get back to a normal academic calendar and with the vast majority of our student pharmacists having already received the vaccine, we are doing our part to minimize the effects of this nasty virus.  

i hope each of you will stay strong and stay safe! i hope you enjoy reading about the great things that are happening at the college in this newsletter.  

warmest regards,

thomas m. campbell, pharm.d.