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gentry smith, director of the office of foreign missions, u.s. department of state to visit lipscomb feb. 18

kim chaudoin | 615.966.6494 | 

ambassador gentry o. smith, director of the office of foreign missions, united states department of state will share his experiences in public service and foreign missions during two special presentations at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 feb. 18.

gentry smith_250at 10:55 a.m., smith will discuss “community service and global leadership: my journey” during a chapel talk in lipscomb’s collins alumni auditorium. at 6 p.m., he will be a part of a panel discussion on the topic of “bringing people to the table: how the u.s. department of state ensures foreign diplomats work together, share ideas and make the world a better place.” the lecture will take place in lipscomb’s stowe hall, located in the swang business center. guests are invited to a reception at 5:30 p.m. in the swang lobby. lipscomb’s college of liberal arts & sciences and its department of history, politics and philosophy are hosting the events.

smith, who was confirmed by the u.s. senate foreign relations committee to this position on june 15, 2015, has devoted more than 30 years to public service. he has been a member of the senior foreign service since 2006, including missions in tokyo, japan; rangoon, burma; and cairo, egypt. as director of the office of foreign missions, smith is responsible for ensuring foreign diplomats comply with guidelines governing diplomatic privileges and immunities granted by the united states government; improving the treatment of u.s. missions and their personnel abroad; and providing service to the foreign diplomatic and consular community in the u.s. in matters such as tax, customs, property and motor vehicles.

prior to this appointment, smith served in the bureau of diplomatic security as the deputy assistant secretary for countermeasures. as such, he supervised the development of security standards and policies associated with the physical and technical security of u.s. diplomatic missions around the world. smith began his career with the u.s. department of state in 1987. during this time, smith has served as director of the office of physical security programs.  smith is a graduate of north carolina state university with a bachelor’s degree in political science.