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faculty and staff financially support lipscomb students in record numbers in 2010

janel shoun  | 


more than 90 percent of employees gave money as well as labor and commitment in 2010.

in 2010 more than 90 percent of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 faculty and staff donated to the “give thanks” family campaign, an annual initiative encouraging employees to reinvest financially in the university’s priorities: strong academics, overall excellence, spiritual formation and service. 
through this effort, lipscomb employees increased their giving to the family campaign by 50 percentage points over last year, from 42% last year to 91.94% this year, setting a new record.
of all lipscomb’s employees and staff, 73 percent gave to the lipscomb fund, which provides support to the following areas: student scholarships, student services, academic support, physical enhancements or institutional support and technology.
in 2009-10, more than a third of the employee-donated funds were used for academic and instructional support.
“such strong participation in the family fund campaign shows how dedicated our employees are to lipscomb’s mission,” said bennie harris, vice president for development and alumni relations. “the almost 92 percent participation rate is a strong indicator of how much our employees believe lipscomb is an important contributor to society.
“these donations will allow lipscomb to continue its strong focus on academic excellence, encouraging a spirit of service and making a christian education possible for students who need financial assistance,” he said.
as a thank you to all employees, lipscomb president l. randolph lowry announced that all university staff and faculty will get march 18 as an extra paid day off during spring break.

the campaign was led by a steering committee made up of faculty and staff members, including chair paul prill, co-chair pam eatherly, walt leaver and cynthia smith. the steering committee led a team of 22 employee ambassadors who personally encouraged their colleagues to participate in the campaign.