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education dean tapped to explain changes in state academic standards to education leaders

janel shoun-smith  | 

the college of education dean, professors in the sciences, students in biology and pharmacy, and alumni in music all made great strides in scholarship throughout the spring 2012 semester. faculty and students alike won awards in service, research, scholarship and the arts.


faculty accomplishments

student accomplishments

alumni accomplishments


faculty accomplishments


college of education


dean mcqueen speaks to statewide audiences on common core standards

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in may and june, college of education dean candice mcqueen served on two panels of leaders from across tennessee to talk about better preparing tennessee’s students through the common core state standards.

governor bill haslam moderated the may 15 panel discussion which was conducted by score (state collaborative on reforming education),  a nonprofit advocacy and research institution founded by former u.s. senate majority leader bill frist to support tennessee’s work to prepare students for college and the workforce.

the common core state standards are a set of standards that were developed by leaders in several states to ensure that every student graduates high school prepared for college or the workforce, regardless of the state in which they live. tennessee schools began implementation of common core standards in both math and english/language arts for grades k-2 in the 2011-12 school year.

in the may 15 discussion, mcqueen helped explain to the audience that common core standards draw from internationally recognized best practices and seek to move instruction away from “teaching to the test” and toward an approach that encourages more conceptual understanding and critical thinking.

drawing on her experience with teacher preparation, she emphasized how important the core standards are to tennessee students. they are designed to ensure that all tennessee high school graduates will be prepared to succeed in post-secondary education by emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork skills.

she also discussed ways that higher education could partner with k-12 systems to support the work of raising academic standards, such as:

  • building stronger partnership between arts and sciences and education programs to build deeper understanding of content and content pedagogy,
  • developing video examples of common core focused lessons with resources for use in teacher preparation programs and in-service training, and
  • creating stronger leadership programs that prepare both teacher leaders such as instructional coaches and principals for the rigor of common core.

in the second june 14 discussion, mcqueen served as a resource expert during a discussion on “supporting school leaders to effectively implement common core.” the discussion explored the types of support school leaders need to effectively implement the common core standards and strategic ways to address these needs.

mcqueen with governor
governor bill haslam moderated the score panel featuring dean mcqueens comments on the common core standards.


morel, education master’s director, publishes “how to build an instructional coaching program”

morel book coaching

nina morel, associate professor of education and director of the education masters program, recently published the book, “how to build an instructional coaching program for maximum capacity.” morel, who designed a highly successful instructional coaching program in sumner county schools in tennessee, has now co-authored this book on how to set up a coaching program and the value of coaches in improving school culture and facilitating change that leads to staff and student success.

as school and district leaders face a flood of new initiatives and standards, shoring up academic programs with an instructional coaching program is more critical than ever before. this comprehensive resource guides school and district leaders through the journey of developing and sustaining an effective coaching program.

morel was a 2005 winner of the milken foundation national educator award and has taught at the middle, high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. she has served as a school district administrator and a coaching champion.


college of arts and sciences


departments of biology, chemistry, physics, nutrition and the college of education

collaborative professors accepted for sencer summer institute presentation

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a presentation on the development and implementation of the power of science, lipscomb’s integrated science course for non-science majors, has been accepted at the 2012 sencer summer institute in august in santa clara, calif. professors autumn marshall, tammy klingbyll and ben hutchinson and service-learning director christin shatzer have developed and will make the presentation.

the sencer (science education for new civic engagements and responsibilities) summer institute is brings together educators, administrators, students and community leaders to consider how to engage students in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics as well as the civic issues in which they play an integral role.

sencer works to improve undergraduate science education and to stimulate civic engagement through the design of courses teaching “to” basic science through complex, capacious and unsolved public issues.

the power of science course was piloted in 2008 and implemented in the general education curriculum in 2009. the course incorporates not only foundational scientific concepts from the various scientific disciplines, but also hands-on projects and discussion on how to apply those concepts to real-world quandaries such as global warming, pollution or food safety. the course has involved water testing in the harpeth river and working with the radnor lake natural reserve to conduct invasive plant research overseen by a pennsylvania state university professor conducting research in the area.

the course was developed and is offered through the work of the biology, physics and chemistry departments in the college of arts and sciences, the college of education, the office of service-learning and the nutrition department in the college of pharmacy and health sciences.


department of communication and journalism

communication professors makes international presentations

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in may 2012, craig carroll, in the department of communication and journalism, moderated a panel on “reputation, responsibility, and regional issues in public relations” at a international communication association conference in phoenix, arizona. carroll serves as past chair of the public relations division for the international association.

also in may, carroll spoke on three panels at the 16th international conference on corporate reputation organized by bocconi business school in milan, italy. he spoke on panels exploring “nurturing corporate reputations through economic downturns, crises and revolutions,” “reputational risks within new media: from online crisis communication to crowdsourcing,” and “measuring media and reputations.”

carroll, author of “corporate reputation and the news media” and known for his research on how media coverage impacts corporate reputation, will also serve as a respondent to a panel on corporate social responsibility at the association of educators in journalism and mass communication conference in chicago, ill., in august 2012, and will present a paper on “the influence of corporate demographic characteristics on visibility and favorability of business news reporting” at the third international conference on corporate reputation conference at said business school at the university of oxford, in great britain in september 2012.  


college of pharmacy and health sciences


college of pharmacy

rowell awarded for best poster at apha academy

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crescent rowell, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, received the american pharmacists’ association academy of pharmaceutical research and science clinical sciences section’s best poster award for the paper “the development and psychometric testing of a hypertension knowledge instrument in a vulnerable population.”      



deweese and dilks publish papers in genetics

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joe deweese, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, published a paper along with lee, jung, heo, byl, osheroff and hohng, on “dna cleavage and opening reactions of human topoisomerase iiα are regulated via mg2+-mediated dynamic bending of gate-dna” in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the usa in february 2012.

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holli dilks, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, along with crawford, published a paper on “strategies for genotyping” in the current protocols in human genetics in january 2011.

campbell accepted as academic leadership fellow at aacp

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tom campbell, associate dean for academic affairs, was nominated and accepted into the 2012–2013 academic leadership fellows program (alfp), coordinated by the american association of colleges of pharmacy (aacp).

the alfp is a year-long experience with four intensive sessions-in-residence spread throughout the year supported by an ongoing informal program of mentoring and introduction to leadership roles at the home institution. the four-session program includes in-depth leadership development, team building, exploration of legislative and public policy issues critical to pharmaceutical and higher education, and self and peer assessments


departments of kinesiology and nutrition

johnson, henry, marshall publish papers in sports medicine

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kent d. johnson, professor and chair of the kinesiology department; ruth n. henry, professor in the kinesiology department; autumn marshall, associate professor and academic chair of the nutrition department; and sun, published a paper on “effects of static and pnf stretching on knee peak torque in aerobically trained female athletes, in medicine and science in sports and exercise in may 2012.

in addition, johnson, along with ellison, porr and riley, published a paper on “the effects of using a gaming system to improve balance in phase iii cardiac rehabilitation patients” in medicine and science in sports and exercise in may 2012.

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henry marshall


student accomplishments


college of pharmacy and health sciences


college of pharmacy

student organization wins up-and-coming award

pharmacy up and coming award

in march 2012, the college of pharmacy won the 2010-2011 up-and-coming chapter award from the american pharmacist’s association-academy of student pharmacists (apha-asp). this award is a national honor awarded to the most professionally active student chapter at a college that has not yet graduated its first class. (lipscomb graduated its first class in may 2012.)

this was the first year that the apha-asp up-and-coming award has been given. it was established to honor a new apha-asp chapter for their exceptional hard work and dedication in establishing a solid foundation for their chapter. 

lipscomb’s asp chapter started in fall 2008 and has consistently achieved over 80% of their college’s enrollment registered as chapter members of apha-asp. the chapter holds an annual health care event during american pharmacists month that reached more than 250 people on campus this past year.  the chapter also provided health education during a women’s ncaa basketball game. 

“this chapter is a shining example of the ways that new schools and colleges of pharmacy can become involved in apha-asp and have a positive impact on the lives of patients in their local community,” said the presenter at the march award ceremony in new orleans. 

chapter president, student pharmacist elizabeth cherry accepted the award at the american pharmacists association (apha) annual meeting and exposition.


colleges of pharmacy and arts and sciences

biochemistry major wins presentation award for work in pharmacy college laboratory

rachel saylor, a may 2012 graduate with a bachelor's in biochemistry and an undergraduate research assistant in the laboratory of susan mercer, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, was the recipient of a competitive student travel award to the behavior, biology and chemistry (bbc): translational research in addiction conference held in san antonio, texas, in march 2012.

while attending the conference, saylor presented her research and was awarded the “outstanding oral presentation” award, honored above many graduate students and post-doctoral trainees who also made presentations.

her presentation was titled “synthesis of sterically hindered meperidine analogs: interactions with cyp3a4 and p-glycoprotein” and focused on chemical design and synthesis, opioid pharmacology, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies.

saylor was recognized by the department of pharmaceutical sciences as a student research scholar for her academic performance, outstanding research efforts, and contribution to the scholarship goals within the department over the past two years.  she is now pursuing a ph.d. at the university of kansas in the department of medicinal chemistry.


other student accomplishments from spring semester 2012



alumni accomplishments


department of music

rickelton wins national choral competition

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michael rickelton (’06), lipscomb alumnus and now a ph.d. candidate at the peabody conservatory of the johns hopkins university, won the second gregg smith national choral competition contest in the rose, jules r. and stanford s. setnor school of music in syracuse university’s college of visual and performing arts (vpa).

the award is given biennially to a composer between the ages of 21 and 35 who has written and submitted a musical composition for a setnor school choral ensemble. rickelton won for his work “pentecost,” which was selected by a committee of setnor faculty from more than 60 entries submitted by composers in 25 u.s. states and from canada.

in addition to the award, rickelton’s work was premiered by the syracuse university singers in april 2012. “the work is a thoughtful setting of a very emotional poem by dana gioia, calling for choir and piano. the music uses frequently contrasting textures and dynamics and freely changing rhythms to sensitively depict the meaningful text,” said john warren, setnor faculty and director of choral activities.

rickelton’s compositions include choral works, vocal and instrumental solo works, and chamber and orchestra works that have been performed throughout the united states and abroad. he has taken prizes for his compositions from the southeastern composers’ league’s arnold sallop memorial composition contest, meistersingers choral composition contest for “tenebrae factae sunt” (first place), the bluffton college choral composition contest, the southern division of the music teacher’s national association composition competition (winner) and the ithaca college choral composition contest (finalist). a recent work has been selected by the american composers orchestra in conjunction with meet the composer to be included in the earshot program presented by the nashville symphony orchestra.

rickelton has studied at the european american musical alliance at École normale de musique in paris and holds a master’s degree in composition from the peabody conservatory, where he is currently a ph.d. student.