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customized options for international travel expand in academic disciplines

janel shoun | 


study art in paris, france spend a semester in santiago, chile

dream of attending culinary school in france?
perhaps backpacking and the outdoors is more your thing.
or is touring the legendary art museums of paris what gets you excited?


global learning in 2010
office of global learning


paris art experience
march 13-21, 2010

china experience 
may 20-30

may 17-june 15

the french paradox
may 15-22

central europe & the oberammergau passion play
june 3-12

berlin art experience
june 11-29

lima, peru education trip
may 11-22

backpacking in ireland & england
june 1-15

spanish language immersion
      toledo, spain
      guanajuato, mexico

in 2010, 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s department of global learning is greatly expanding its international study options through a wide selection of short-term, discipline-specific courses offered throughout the spring. each trip provides three academic credits to participants, but require less time and financial resources than the university’s traditional semester-long study abroad options.
among the new offerings are the french paradox, a week that immerses students in french culture and cuisine at the ecole des trois ponts near lyon, france; backpacking in ireland and england; and the paris art experience. each trip is led by faculty within its academic focus and generally lasts for two to three weeks.
click here to get more details on all the international short-term options.
“we want to become an institution where students arrive expecting to engage in some type of study abroad,” said val prill, director of the office of global learning.
in fact, some programs of study in graduate business, the law, justice and society major and the foreign language education programs already require international study by students. students also have the option of a semester-long study in vienna, austria, to earn 14 academic credits, and the university participates in the coalition of christian colleges and universities (cccu) best semester programs.
“while the semester in vienna program is popular and still very successful, many students lose their enthusiasm for international study when they realize the cost. these short-term options allow students who wouldn’t be able to afford to travel internationally an option to gain a cultural education experience. and they allow students in very rigorous programs such as pre-med to be able to do international study without getting behind in their program,” prill noted.
as part of a continued focus on global engagement, lipscomb is actively working to create additional semester-long study abroad options as well as the short-term trips. a semester in santiago, chile, is expected to launch in spring 2011 and in the future a semester-long program in china could be added, prill noted.
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in this spring and summer, however, students already have 11 international travel options plus the annual vienna semester program offered in fall 2010. trip themes range from contemporary graphic design in berlin to working in an elementary school in lima, peru. the trips take place primarily in march, may and june.
“in today’s global society, it is more important than ever that every lipscomb graduate achieve a cultural competence to operate in our multicultural working world. i am excited that students now have the option to apply their academic specialty in an international environment,” prill said.
to see details of each available trip and a contact for more information click here.
business students travel to china annually. lipscomb in vienna students visit italy.