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charles mathewes, ken starr highlight first day of christian scholars' conference

janel shoun-smith  | 

the 33rd annual thomas h. olbricht christian scholars’ conference began its 2013 program on thursday with an impressive line-up of faith and thought leaders.

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theologian charles mathewes spoke at the inaugural plenary session on thursday.
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the ethics and law session on thursday afternoon.
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kenneth starr, president of baylor university, along with other panelists.
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lipscomb president l. randolph lowry along with other panelists.

not only did charles mathewes, theologian and author from the university of virginia, kick off the plenary addresses with some insightful comments on “the future of political theology,” but 28 paper and panel sessions featuring scholars from baylor, duke, vanderbilt, abilene christian, auburn, pepperdine, emory, florida state and yale universities engaged the more than 500 scholars and faith leaders attending this year’s conference.

this year’s theme is “crisis in ethics: theology, business, law and the liberal and fine arts.”

among the highlights of the thursday activities was the “ethics and the law” session, featuring:

  • baylor university president and former independent counsel for president bill clinton kenneth starr;
  • texas supreme court justice jeff boyd;
  • pepperdine university school of law, dean emeritus ron phillips;
  • nationally known texas attorney mark lanier; and
  • lipscomb’s own president l. randolph lowry.

the christian scholars’ conference includes three additional free events and one additional tickets event that are open to the general public.

  • tom brewer, former gm executive and current president of the tennessee automotive manufacturers association, and micheal herron, chairman of the united auto workers local 1853, spring hill, will be part of a panel discussion on the issues of corporate social responsibility raised in the documentary film as goes janesville, at 2:15 p.m. today in the ezell center, room 234.
  • david miller, founding director of princeton’s faith and work initiative and former director of the ethics and spirituality in the workplace program of the yale center for faith & culture, will speak on “god at work” today at 4:15 p.m. in acuff chapel.
  • john dean, former white house counsel to president richard nixon and one of the major players in the historic watergate scandal, will speak on “the ethical legacy of watergate,” saturday at 10:45 a.m. in collins alumni auditorium.
  • the blackbird theater, lipscomb's theater-troupe-in-residence, presents oleanna, by david mamet, on this saturday at 7:30 p.m. and this sunday, at 2:30 p.m. in shamblin theatre. click here to go to the online ticket purchase site.

for a full schedule of the conference activities go to