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behind-the-scenes at may 2020 virtual commencement

this saturday's commencement ceremony will be like none other before.

janel shoun-smith | 615.966.7078 | 

the bison statue on campus painted with "congrats seniors."

who snuck on campus to paint the bison in honor of our class of 2020? keep scrolling to find out!

here's a sneak peak of the creation of the baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies which, due to the university's closure of on-campus activities, had to be filmed without students on-site. but everyone from the provost to the university cameramen went out of their way to make it a special event for the class of 2020.

click here to see the complete schedule for virtual baccalaureate and commencement activities.


lipscomb's virtual baccalaureate 2020 being filmed
the two symbolic images of baccalaureate 2020: a face mask and the traditional slate square given to students

for each school year, the blank slate is the symbol for the start of each student's college career (given out at the initium ceremony). unfortunately, many may remember the symbol of the end of their college career as the face mask.

lipscomb president l. randolph lowry behind the podium in collins during filming of the commencement ceremony.

president l. randolph lowry will greet the graduates for baccalaureate and commencement from the podium in willard collins auditorium. usually commencement is held in allen arena.

lipscomb officials in masks overseeing the filming of the commencement ceremony.

lipscomb officials mike fernandez and mary emily bouldin oversee the filming of the ceremony.

the collins stage during the commencement filming.

the ceremony will have all the expected pomp and circumstance.

the stage of collins seen from overhead during the filming on the commencement ceremony.

we are all wishing these seats were filled with lipscomb's honored graduates.

the stage of collins during the filming on the commencement ceremony.
provost craig bledsoe and vp scott sager painting the bison

yes, it was provost craig bledsoe who ducked out of filming to carry on the long tradition of painting the bison. congratulations and god bless the class of 2020!