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beestmode gaming offers tech majors opportunity to compete

lacey klotz | 


2022 update: the college of computing and technology is now the school of computing and the school of data analytics and technology.

eight computers sit in lipscomb’s college of computing & technology’s new collaborative facility, waiting for members of beestmode gaming to finish class.

see-through walls allow a glimpse into the world of lipscomb’s tech majors and of a new club that has developed this fall. 

beestmode gaming is an esports team comprised of students from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s college of computing & technology who all share a love of gaming.

“it is a common interest group and allows students within the college of computing & technology the opportunity to compete at a collegiate level,” said finn breland, enrollment management specialist in lipscomb’s college of computing & technology and staff sponsor for beestmode gaming.

led by jessie lippincott, a freshman computer science major and president of beestmode gamming, the club focuses on two games, league of legends, a multiplayer online battle arena game, and counterstrike global offensive, a first person shooter game.

beestmode gaming has two competitive teams for each game and five spots on each team. members of these teams have the opportunity to join various competitions in the competitive collegiate circuit with other universities including vanderbilt university, university of tennessee at chattanooga, tennessee technological university and texas a&m university. 

all lipscomb students are eligible to become a member of beestmode gaming, however, members of the competitive teams are mostly comprised of cct majors and minors.

club meetings are held in the red and blue gaming caves, located in the college of computing & technology, and each room features four custom-built bmg_computerpc’s with top of the line technology.

“our students have been extremely involved in the process,” breland said. “from building the pc’s, driving the initiative, holding try-outs, to drawing the logo, they have helped to make beestmode gaming their own and it is very fun to see that determination and passion.”

lipscomb’s college of computing & technology recently launched a game development degree and breland explained how beestmode gaming has been a unique addition to the college, providing students with an educational, yet fun opportunity.

“we realize that a lot of our students are exposed to the gaming-world,” said breland, “therefore we want to engage these students by creating a positive outlet and opportunity for them to come together with fellow classmates who share a similar passion.

“the club also gives students a place to use high-tech equipment that features cutting edge gaming concepts, and as a college, we view this as both educational and recreational.”

ethan osborne, a sophomore information technology major and vice president of beestmode gaming, explained that teamwork is a big deal within the club and he appreciates the way beestmode gaming gives him a unique opportunity to connect with others.

“in a world where tech majors are typically introverted, beestmode gaming gives me an outlet to express myself with other people.”

lipscomb’s college of computing & technology opened its new collaborative facility, located in swang business center, in march 2015. its 7,000 bmg_cctsquare-foot office, classroom and computing facility has been constructed and outfitted with the latest technology thanks to donations from jackson national life, cigna-healthspring and peak 10.

the new facility allows lipscomb students to collaborate with each other, expert faculty and industry advisors through a flexible furniture and open classroom design; clusters of seating and power outlets with plenty of technical connectivity for group work; glass walls intended to serve as writing surfaces; a media lounge and a conference room designed as a community meeting space.

for more information about beestmode gaming and its next event, visit: