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back-to-school fun electrifies campus for the 2011-2012 school year

janel shoun  | 

initium photos
convocation photos

back-to-school excitement electrified the campus during august at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 as students squeezed in a few more days of fun in the sun before getting serious and hitting the books on monday, aug. 22, the first day of classes.

aug. 12
college of pharmacy white coat ceremony
lipscomb welcomed its fourth class of 78 pharmacy students with its traditional white coat ceremony, sponsored by wal-mart, in willard collins alumni auditorium. the class of 2015 completed the five-year-old college of pharmacy’s student body bringing the number of student pharmacists to 301. the white coat ceremony marks the transition from general to clinical in a formal ceremony where each new student receives their own pharmacist’s white coat.
aug. 14-15 & 20
move-in days
everyone joins in the fun of moving days for both freshmen and upper classmen. traditionally, the university recruits faculty, staff and even helpful members of the community to assist new students and their families as they move in to their rooms.

aug. 16
questweek olympics:
世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 broke in the new intramural field with the questweek olympics, where freshmen and transfer students participate in various goofy events including the bucket race, the dizzy bat game, the three-legged race and other field day-style games.

aug. 18
questweek community involvement day
to continue lipscomb’s long tradition of providing community service during questweek, several hundred freshmen and transfers scattered throughout the city to volunteer at various nonprofit organizations such as radnor lake, ronald mcdonald house, local churches and community centers.
aug. 20
questweek dewfest
music, a slip ‘n’ slide and plenty of mountain dew will make this afternoon on the quad an exciting activity for freshman gearing up to begin studies on the following monday.

aug. 21

this candle-lighting ceremony and formal induction into the academic community is an annual part of lipscomb’s welcoming tradition for new freshmen and transfers. the night before classes start, freshmen and transfer students gather at collins alumni auditorium to hear messages from faculty and lipscomb president l. randolph lowry. faculty lit the candles of the new students, and as a symbol of the fresh start for every student, each received a small slate tile – or a blank slate – as a memento.
click here to see more photos from initium 2011
aug. 29
bennett food court grand opening
monday, aug. 29, was a great time to check out the revamped food court as the various restaurants offered free samples, free stuff, special giveaways for students including a kindle and an ipad 2 and fun activities including a pizza tossing contest. music and balloons added to the party atmosphere in the food court, which has new tiling and aesthetics for the 2011-12 school year.
aug. 30
president’s convocation
students, faculty and staff and the entire community is invited to lipscomb’s annual president’s convocation which takes place at the first formal chapel service of the year, featuring an address by lipscomb president l. randolph lowry. convocation formally marks the beginning of the academic year. lipscomb’s version is a combination of traditional academic regalia and pomp combined with a look toward the new year. this year, it is especially significant as the university marks its 120th anniversary and celebrates a full student body of 300+ pharmacy students and more than 100 yellow ribbon students on campus.




initium 2011