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about the fred d. gray institute for law, justice & society

take a few minutes to investigate a unique undergraduate experience, one we believe positions students extremely well, not just for a career, but to follow the challenge of micah 6:8 to do justice and love mercy.

kimberly mccall

kimberly mccall

housed in the university’s college of leadership and public service, the fred d. gray institute is based on the idea that legal change is one of the surest means to effect social change. 

here at the institute, we offer an undergraduate major that focuses on socio-legal issues to encourage critical thinking, good writing and a passion for justice. the program prepares you for law school, public policy or governmental work, and work with nonprofits. alongside faculty and mentors, you will examine how law and society work together and how justice is built in the midst of that. 

in addition to the academic work of our institute, we offer regional, national and international experiences which will build your perspective in unique ways. one way the institute does this is by hosting conversations about immigration, human trafficking, christian/muslim/jewish relations and health care for low-income families. we also partner with the tennessee bar association on a week-long summer camp, in which we invite high school students to participate in activities that expose them to various aspects of the legal profession. 

located in nashville, tennessee, the institute has direct ties to the state’s capital that will allow you direct access to the state’s legislative constituents. not only will you have the benefit of meeting with state legislators and activists, but you’ll also gain deeper insight into the social issues facing the very city you’ll be residing in. if your passion lies with aiding marginalized and underserved communities through policy change, then the fred d. gray institute has a place for you. 


kimberly mccall
academic director, fred d. gray institute for law, justice & society