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kinesiology: student scholarship

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kinesiology undergraduate students' scholarship

  • houghton, m., patti, e., & phipps, d. (2021, april 8). investigation of the relationship between lower-body power and acceleration in di female soccer players [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • kroeger, m., aziz, m., & hazen, p. (2021, april 8). the effects of different types of face-masks on physiological parameters during acute exercise sessions [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • long, m., lowery, n., & gibson, s. (2021, april 8). efficacy of preseason training on fitness levels of high school male soccer players [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • thomas, j., camp, d., & eddings, a. (2021, april 8). the effect of pre-workout supplementation on heart rate, performance, and rpe during high intensity interval exercise [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • aziz, m. a., vantrease, w. c., pihera, b., haynes, j. t., jones, m., zimmerman, g. a., & townsend, j. (2020, november). anthropometric, body composition, and muscular performance comparisons between collegiate division i baseball pitchers and position players [poster presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn.  abstract

  • council, k., bradshaw, l., morrow, t., & henry, r. (2020, november). the effects of caffeine on anaerobic metabolism [poster presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn.  abstract

  • leverett, c., childress, l., locke, j., & henry, r. (2020, november). intrinsic motivation and exercise adherence in group exercise vs. individual exercise [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tnabstract

  • doak, o., andrich, e., peters, a., & henry, r. (2019, april 11). performance characteristics analyzed of collegiate women soccer players based on level of opponent [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. 

  • hall, h., leber, b., & henry, r. (2019, april 11). intracellular, extracellular & total body water retention in creatine monohydrate & hcl supplementation [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. 

  • wanser, d., sakic, k., & henry, r. (2019, april 11). the effects of agility and cognitive training programs on reaction time [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. 

  • anderson, s., benson, l., bourque, s., & henry, r. (2018, april 12). the effects of listening to music on performance during a 1.5 mile run test in non-athlete college students [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • carder, s., jelonek, m., ramirez, j., & henry, r. (2018, april 12). effects of acute exercise on cognitive ability [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • fenichel, a., poyner, j., & henry, r. (2018, april 12). difference in peak power output and mean power output between female cross-county runners (endurance athletes) and female softball players (power athletes) [poster presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • franklin, a., hinkle, k., robertson, r., & henry, r. (2018, april 12). the effects of myofascial release on running efficiency [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • young, k., davis, t., vantrease, w., & henry, r. (2016, april 14). the effects of a loaded sled push on postactivation potentiation of sprint times in female athletes [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. 

  • bucher, m., llewellyn, k., & henry, r. (2015, april 9). intuitive eating in male and female athletes [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract

  • ford, l., osburn, w., & henry, r. (2015, april 9). evidence of intuition [paper presentation]. student scholars symposium, nashville, tn. abstract