general bible dictionaries
bromiley, geoffrey w., ed. the international standard bible encyclopedia. 4 vols. grand rapids: eerdmans, 1979-86.
ref bs440 .i6 1979 v. 1-4
freedman, david n., ed. the anchor bible dictionary, 6 vols. new york: doubleday, 1993.
ref bs440 .a54 1992 v. 1-6
green, joel b., ed. dictionary of scripture and ethics. grand rapids: baker, 2011.
bs680.e84 d53 2011
ryken, leland, et al., eds. dictionary of biblical imagery. downers grove: ivp, 1998.
ref bs537 .d48 1998
sakenfeld, katharine d., ed. new interpreter’s dictionary of the bible, 6 vols. nashville: abingdon, 2006.
ref bs440 .n443 2006 v. 1-4
tenney, merrill c. and j.d. douglas, eds., rev. moisés silva, eds. the zondervan illustrated bible dictionary. grand rapids: zondervan, 2011.
bs440 .z66 2011
vanhoozer, kevin j., ed. dictionary for theological interpretation of the bible. grand rapids: baker, 2005.
ref bs440 .d495 2005
for general information on commentaries, see:
stuart, douglas k. a guide to selecting and using bible commentaries. dallas: word pub., 1990.
bs491.2 .s78 1990
evans, john f. a guide to biblical commentaries and reference works. 10 th ed. grand rapids: zondervan, 2016.
z7770 .e92 2016 bs482
abingdon old/new testament commentary (abotc/antc)
the abingdon old and new testament commentaries is a compact, critical commentary series. they are written with special attention to the needs and interests of theological students, as well as for pastors. they contain basic information about the biblical texts and insights into their meanings, as well as exemplify the tasks and procedures of detailed critical biblical exegesis.
anchor bible commentary (ab)
the anchor bible commentary series is the premier commentary series focused on historical criticism. it aims to present the best contemporary scholarship in a way that is accessible not only to scholars but also to the educated nonspecialist. it contains detailed discussion of the nuances of language and translation of the ancient languages and an appreciation of the historical and cultural context in which the biblical books were written, followed by discussions of modern methods such as sociology and literary criticism.
ancient christian commentary on scripture (accs)
the ancient christian commentary on scripture presents the biblical text supplemented by writings of the early church fathers. a wide range of ancient commentary by the church fathers has been searched to supply the most insightful commentary on the biblical text from the history of the church. the comments chosen provide the best theological, spiritual, and pastoral insights from the biblical text from scholars of the first 600 years of church history. the series promotes a vital link of communication between the varied christian traditions of today and their common ancient ancestors in the faith.
apollos old testament commentaries (aotc)
the apollos old and new testament commentary is a confessional series that aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of scripture. it interprets the bible in a scholarly manner that is also accessible to non-experts, and it shows the relevance of the bible to modern readers. it is intended to serve the needs of those who preach and teach, as well as scholars and all serious students of the bible.
baker's new testament commentary (bntc)
this commentary series is for intermediate students of the bible and pastors who want intermediate level evangelical scholarship. the focus is on exegesis of unit of text, a simplified explanation of critical notes on the greek text, and application of the text from a reformed evangelical perspective.
berit olam & sacra pagina
this series is written for lay people, bible scholars, students, and religious leaders. the interpretation focuses on the final form of the texts as literary works, with the old testament series especially focusing on the narrative artistry of the texts. the title of the old testament series as "berit olam" (eternal covenant) showcases the central theme that the authors trace from the old testament throughout the series, as the authors make available to all of god’s people the words of the everlasting covenant in all of their beauty. the new testament volumes are written by an international team of catholic scholars, as a guide intended for biblical professionals, graduate students, theologians, clergy, and religious educators. sacra pagina (sacred page) contains critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning, as shaped by the context of the catholic tradition.
this series is written by theologians, with a focus on theological interpretation. the aim of the series is to interpret scripture for today’s church, providing guidance for reading the bible under the rule of faith. it is aimed at supporting preaching, teaching in the church, to show the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the bible.
bible speaks today - ivp (bst)
the bible speaks today commentaries seek to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate it to contemporary life and to be readable to a wide range of audiences; the authors are each noted scholars as well as pastor. this series is great for preaching or teaching, as it contains extensive discussion of applying the biblical message to the church today.
catholic commentary on sacred scripture (ccss)
this series from leading catholic scholars focuses on interpreting the new testament in the light of the whole of the bible, with an emphasis on theological and pastoral questions. the series highlights the relationship of scripture to catholic theology and personal spiritual formation.
eerdmans critical commentary (ecc)
this series is critical in approach, seeking to give insight into the biblical text and its background, but also discussing issues of theological interpretation, and its application.
the authors seek to combine sensitivity to the original meaning of the text and explication of the relevance of the text for today. the commentaries contain critical notes on the history of the text, and commentary on literary, historical, cultural, and theological aspects of the text, reflecting the contributions of recent textual, philological, literary, historical, and archaeological inquiry, with also discussions of newer sociological methodological approaches. the series is accessible to serious general readers as well as scholars.
the hermeneia series is a critical and historical commentary to the bible, reflecting philological and historical tools, including textual criticism, the methods of the history of tradition, and the history of religion. the aim is to provide the student or scholar with full critical discussion of each problem of interpretation and with the primary data upon which the discussion is based. the series is for advanced studies of the biblical text, with a focus on original languages.
international critical commentary (icc)
the icc series is one of the longest running commentary series, with the earliest works from the early 1900's. classically this series has combined a strong focus on exegesis and linguistics, with archaeological, historical, literary and theological reflection at a very academic level. many of the volumes in this series may be dated, but the series is currently being updated with new editions by modern scholars.
interpretation is an accessible, yet high-quality resource for those who interpret the bible in the church. it bridges the gap between critical and expository commentaries to the needs of the church. the volumes are each written by scholars who are outstanding academics in each area of the bible, who also have a passion to make the text relevant for preaching and teaching by including models of expositing the text in the church today.
jps torah commentary
the jps torah commentary series is written by leading scholars from a jewish perspective, combining the best insights from modern critical scholarship with jewish traditional exegesis in a succint yet perceptive fashion. the commentary is selective and may not discuss every verse or issue that a reader is interested in, but the comments and discussions that are included are outstanding, and the series is essential for studies of the books of moses.
new american commentary (nac)
the new american commentary series is an intermediate exegetical commentary. it is primarily geared for students, ministers, and educated laity seeking to grasp scripture in a full and in a unified way without having to wade through discussions of technical matters.
new cambridge bible commentary (ncbc)
the new cambridge bible commentary is academically rigorous, but does not assume the reader has a great deal of specialized theological knowledge or an impressive command of the hebrew, aramaic, or biblical greek. it is an update of the earlier cambridge bible commentary from the mid 20th century, which incorporates scholarly insights from recent biblical studies. in addition to a strong focus on the language and historical context of the text, the series also incorporates rhetorical criticism, social scientific criticism, and narrative criticism to provide a fresh look at biblical texts.
new international commentary on the old and new testament (nicot/nicnt)
this advanced commentary series is accessible to scholars as well as pastors and serious bible students. the commentary is academically rigorous, from a perspective of a desire to hear the message of the biblical text with greatest accuracy today.
each volume has an extensive introduction on the authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology of the books, with the commentary itself having a focus on detailed exegesis of the original languages, followed by an exposition of the biblical text's theology and application.
new interpreters bible (nib)
the new interpreter's bible commentary offers brief but high-quality commentary on the biblical text by leading scholars. it contains concise introductions to historical, social, literary, and theological issues of the text, built on an exegetical analysis of the text. it is accessible and easy to use, and contains extensive reflection on the exposition of the text for the use of the church.
new international greek text commentary (nigtc)
this series offers outstanding detailed analysis of the greek text of the new testament, questions of textual criticism, and historical context of the text. the series is aimed at scholars and advanced bible students.
new international version application commentary (nivac)
the niv application commentary is written by leading scholars, with a focus on application of the biblical text for christian communities. building on academic scholarship, the emphasis of the series is to give readers the necessary historical information of the text and show how to teach and preach the message of the text today.
old testament library/new testament library (otl/ntl)
the old testament library is one of the most respected commentary series produced in the last 50 years. the focus of this series is on historical-critical issues and a detailed analysis of the biblical text, in a concise format. introductory matters cover historical concerns, cultural issues, the reception of the text, the integrity of the text, and other interpretive issues.
pillar new testament commentary (pntc)
the pillar commentary series combines rigorous exegesis and scholarship with exposition and pastoral sensitivity, with a goal towards contemporary communities understanding biblical theology and seeking the contemporary relevance of the bible.
smyth & helwys bible commentary
this series is written by outstanding scholars, and seeks to provide academic analysis of the biblical text in an attractive and simple format. the commentary is filled with illustrations, images, references to literature and culture, in order to discern where the biblical text intersects with modern concerns.
teach the text commentary (ttc)
the ttc series contains selective discussion of features of the biblical text, with a focus on teaching the bible for modern audiences. the series is formatted as a quick and accessible reference for information, illustrations, and tips for exposition in preparation for teaching and preaching.
tyndale old/new testament commentary (totc/tonc)
the tyndale old testament commentaries are written by leading evangelical scholars, with clear and relevant explanations of the text. the commentary examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes, with also individual verses discussed, and problems of interpretation considered. the aim is to understand the original meaning of the bible and to make its message plain to readers today.
two horizons old/new testament commentary (thotc/thntc)
the two horizons old/new testament commentary series combines theological exegesis and theological reflection. it offers detailed attention to philology, grammar, syntax, and concerns of a historical nature, in addition to social-scientific, political, or canonical questions. this series bridges those questions with theological readings of texts, past and present. the result is a paragraph-by-paragraph engagement with the text that is deliberately theological in focus. the theological reflection places each book of the bible in relation to the whole of scripture and in conversation with constructive theology of today. the series is written primarily for students, pastors, and christian leaders seeking to engage in theological interpretation of scripture.
word biblical commentary (wbc)
the word biblical commentary is a scholarly and technical academic series focused on the exegetical details of the text. it is for pastors and scholars trained in the original languages and exegetical skills. it contains extensive textual and linguistic analysis, along with bibliographies. it is a highly respected series reflecting a range of scholarship from different perspectives.
zondervan exegetical commentary on the old/new testament (zecnt/zecot)
this series focuses on exegetical analysis of the original languages of the text, in a way accessible to beginning and intermediate students of hebrew and greek. the series is from an evangelical perspective, with a concern for literary and theological features of the text as well.
old testament
old testament introductions:
archer, jr., gleason a survey of old testament introduction. revised edition. moody, 1994.
bs1140.2 .a7 1985
birch, bruce c., walter brueggemann, terence e. fretheim, and david l. peterson. a theological introduction to the old testament. nashville: abingdon, 1999.
bs1192.5 .t43 1999
childs, b.s. introduction to the old testament as scripture. fortress, 1979.
bs1140.2 .c48 1979
collins, john j. introduction to the hebrew bible. second edition. fortress, 2014.
bs1140.3 .c65 2004
coogan, michael d. the old testament: a historical and literary introduction to the hebrew scriptures. new york: oxford university press, 2006.
bs1197 .c56 2006
dillard, raymond, and tremper longman iii. an introduction to the old testament. 2nd ed. grand rapids: zondervan, 2006.
gertz, j.c., angelika berjelung, konrad schmid, and markus witte, eds. t&t clark hand- book of the old testament. bloomsbury: t&t clark, 2012.
goldingay, john. an introduction to the old testament: exploring text, approaches and issues. downers grove, ill.: ivp, 2015.
bs1194 .g635 2015
harrison, r. k. an introduction to the old testament. eerdmans, 1969; hendrickson, 2004.
bs1140.2 .h35
hess, r. s. the old testament: a historical, critical, and theological introduction. baker, 2016.
hill, andrew e. and john h. walton. old testament today: the journey from ancient context to contemporary relevance. grand rapids: zondervan, 2014.
bs1194 .w33 2013
knight, douglas a., and amy-jill levine. the meaning of the bible: what the jewish scriptures and christian old testament can teach us. new york: harperone, 2011.
bs1173.3 .k55 2011
pemberton, glenn. the god who saves: an introduction to the message of the old testament. abilene: acu press, 2015.
bs1197 .p394 2015
schlimm, matthew r. this strange and sacred scripture: wrestling with the old testament and its oddities. grand rapids: baker, 2015.
bs1140.3 .s35 2015
old testament theology:
brueggemann, walter. theology of the old testament: testimony, dispute, advocacy. fortress, 1997.
bs1192.5 .b79 1997
eichrodt, w. old testament theology. 2 vols. otl. philadelphia: westminster, 1961-67.
bs1192.5 .e353 v. 1 & 2
feldmeier, reinhard, and hermann spieckermann. god of the living: a biblical theology. trans. mark e. biddle. waco, tx.: baylor university press, 2011.
bs544 .f4513 2011
goldingay, john. old testament theology. volume one. israel's gospel. intervarsity press, 2003; volume two. israel's faith. intervarsity press, 2006; volume three. israel’s life. intervarsity press, 2009.
bs1182.3 .g65; bs1182.3 .g645 2006; bs1182.3 .g65 2003
ollenburger, ben c., elmer a. marten, and gerhard f. hasel, eds. the flowering of old testament theology. sources for biblical and theological study. eisenbrauns, 1992.
bs1192.5 .f564 1992
vanhoozer, kevin j. ed. theological interpretation of the old testament: a book-by-book survey. baker, 2008.
bs1171.3 .t493 2008
von rad, g. old testament theology. 2 vols. harper and row, 1962-65.
bs1192.5 .r3132 v. 1 & 2
waltke, bruce k. an old testament theology: an exegetical, canonical, and thematic approach. zondervan, 2007.
bs1192.5 .w35 2007
history of israel, religion, & archaeology:
bright, j. a history of israel. 4th ed. westminster john knox, 2000.
ds121 .b72 1972
hess, richard s. israelite religions: an archaeological and biblical survey. grand rapids: baker, 2007.
bm165 .h47 2007
hoffmeier, james k., and dennis r. magary, eds. do historical matters matter to faith? a critical appraisal of modern and postmodern approaches to scripture. wheaton, ill.: crossway, 2012.
bs635 .d56 2012
kaufmann, yehezkel. the religion of israel, from its beginnings to the babylonian exile. trans. moshe greenberg. chicago: university of chicago press, 1960.
bm155 .k3743
keel, othmar and christoph uelinger. gods, goddesses, and images of god in ancient israel. translated by allan w. mahnke. fortress, 1998.
bl1640 .k4413 1998
kitchen, kenneth. on the reliability of the old testament. grand rapids: eerdmans, 2003.
bs1180 .k56 2003
lawrence, paul, alan millard, heinrich von siebenthal and john walton, eds. the ivp atlas of bible history. downers grove, ill.: ivp academic, 2006.
oversize bs630 .l38 2006
long, v. philips, david w. baker, and gordon j. wenham, eds. windows into old testament history: evidence, argument, and the crisis of "biblical israel". grand rapids: eerdmans, 2002.
bs1180 .w56 2002
merrill, eugene. kingdom of priests: a history of old testament israel. baker, 1987.
bs1197 .m45 1996
miller, j. maxwell and john h. hayes. a history of ancient israel and judah. second edition. westminster john knox, 2006.
ds117 .m6 2006
rainey, anson f. and r. steven notley. carta's new century handbook and atlas of the bible. jerusalem: carta, 2007.
bs630 .r35 2007
shanks, hershel, ed. ancient israel. from abraham to the roman destruction of the temple. biblical archaeology society, 1999.
ds121 .a53 1999
king, philip j. and lawrence e. stager. life in biblical israel. library of ancient israel. westminster john knox, 2001.
ds112 .k48 2001
meyers, eric m. (ed.). the oxford encyclopedia of archaeology in the near east. five vols. oxford university, 1997.
ref ds56 .o9 1997 v. 1-5
miller, patrick d. the religion of ancient israel. louisville: westminster john knox, 2000.
bs1171.2 .m55 2000
miller, patrick d., paul d. hanson, and s. dean mcbride, eds. ancient israelite religion: essays in honor of frank moore cross. philadelphia: fortress press, 1987.
bs1171.2 .a53 1987
stern, ephraim (ed). the new encyclopedia of archaeological excavations in the holy land. simon and schuster, 1995.
ref ds111.a2 e5813 1993 v. 1-4
walton, john h. zondervan illustrated bible backgrounds commentary: old testament. 5 volumes. zondervan, 2009.
bs1151.52 .z66 2009 v. 1-5
yamauchi, edwin m., and marvin r. wilson eds. dictionary of daily life in biblical and post-biblical antiquity. hendrickson, 2015.
bs440 .y37 2014
ancient near eastern backgrounds to the old testament:
arnold, bill t. and bryan e. beyer, eds. readings from the ancient near east: primary sources for old testament study. grand rapids: baker, 2002.
bl1060 .r42 2002
coogan, michael d. ed., the oxford history of the biblical world. new york: oxford university press, 1998.
bs635.2 .o94 1998
evans, carl d., william w. hallo, and john b. white, eds. scripture in context: essays on the comparative method. pittsburg: pickwick press, 1980.
bs1171.2 .s35
hays, christopher b. hidden riches: a sourcebook for the comparative study of the hebrew bible and ancient near east. louisville: westminster john knox, 2014.
bs1184 .h39 2014
jacobsen, thorkild. treasures of darkness: a history of mesopotamian religion. new haven: yale, 1976.
bl2350.i7 j3
matthews, victor h., and don c. benjamin. old testament parallels: laws and stories from the ancient near east. new york: paulist press, 1997.
bs1180 .m42 1997
pritchard, j.b. (ed.). ancient near eastern texts relating to the old testament. 3rd. ed. princeton university press, 1969.
ref bs1180 .p83
sasson, jack m. ed., civilizations of the ancient near east. 4 volumes. new york: scribner, 1995.
ref ds57 .c55 1995 v. 1-4
snell, daniel c. life in the ancient near east, 3100-332 b.c.e. new haven: yale university press, 1997.
ds62.23 .s65 1997
sparks, kenton l. ancient texts for the study of the hebrew bible: a guide to the background literature. hendrickson, 2005.
bs1184 .s63 2005
von soden, wolfram. the ancient orient: an introduction to the study of the ancient near east. trans. donald g. schley. grand rapids: eerdmans, 1994.
ds57 .s5813 1994
walton, john. ancient near eastern thought and the old testament. grand rapids: baker, 2006.
bs1171.3 .w35 2006
hebrew language:
arnold, bill t. and john h. choi, a guide to biblical hebrew syntax. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2003.
pj4701 .a76 2003
brown, f., s.r. driver, and c.a. briggs. hebrew and english lexicon of the old testament. hendrickson, 1979.
ref pj4833 .b73 1996
botterweck, g. j., h. ringgren, h.-j. fabry (eds.). theological dictionary of the old testament. eerdmans, 1977-2006.
ref bs440 .b5713 v. 1-15
chisholm, jr., robert b. from exegesis to exposition: a practical guide to using biblical hebrew. baker, 1998.
bs1171.2 .c55 1998
cowley, a.e., and e. kautzsch (eds.). gesenius' hebrew grammar. 2d eng. edition. oxford, 1910.
pj4563 .g4713 1985
even-shoshan, e. a new concordance of the old testament using the hebrew and aramaic text. baker, 1985.
ref bs1121 .e93 1985
goodrick, e.w., and j.r. kohlenberger, iii. the niv exhaustive concordance. zondervan, 1990.
ref bs425 .g62 1990
holladay, w.l. a concise hebrew and aramaic lexicon of the old testament. eerdmans, 1971.
pj4833 .h6
jenni, e. and c. westermann (eds.). theological lexicon of the old testament. 3 vols. hendrickson, 1997.
ref bs440 .t4813 1997 v. 1-3
koehler, l., and w. baumgartner et al. (eds.). the hebrew and aramaic lexicon of the old testament. 3rd ed. 5 vols. brill, 1994-2001; study edition, 2 vols. brill, 2001.
ref pj4833 .k61813 1994 v. 1
landes, george m. a student's vocabulary of biblical hebrew: listed according to frequency and cognate. new york: scribner, 1961.
pj4845 .l25
vangemeren, willem a. ed., new international dictionary of old testament theology and exegesis. 5 vols. zondervan, 1997.
ref bs440 .n438 1997 v. 1-5
sáenz-badillos, angel. a history of the hebrew language. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1993.
pj4545 .s2313 1996
seow, c. l. a grammar for biblical hebrew. revised edition. abingdon, 1995.
pj4567 .s424 1995
waltke, b.k., and m. o'connor. an introduction to biblical hebrew syntax. eisenbrauns, 1990.
pj4707 .w35 1990
old testament interpretation, methodology, & exegesis:
alter, robert. the art of biblical poetry. basic books, 1985.
bs1405.2 .a48 1985
alter, robert and frank kermode (eds.) the literary guide to the bible. harvard university press, 1987.
bs535 .l54 1987
arnold, bill t., and david w. baker, eds. the face of old testament studies: a survey of contemporary approaches. grand rapids: baker, 1999.
bs1193 .f33 1999
barton, john, ed. the cambridge companion to biblical interpretation. new york: cambridge university press, 1998.
barton, john. reading the old testament: method in biblical study. philadelphia: westminster press, 1996.
bs1171.2 .b33 1996
brettler, mark zvi, and adele berlin, eds. the jewish study bible. new york: oxford university press, 2004.
bs895 .j4 2004
fishbane, michael a. biblical interpretation in ancient israel. oxford: clarendon press, 1988.
bs1186 .f57 1985
fokkelman, jan. reading biblical narrative: an introductory guide. louisville: westminster john knox, 1999.
bs535 .f65 1999
jobes, karen h. and moisés silva, invitation to the septuagint. baker, 2000. second edition, 2015.
bs744 .j63 2000
knight, douglas a. and gene m. tucker. the hebrew bible and its modern interpreters. chico, ca.: scholars press, 1985.
bs1160 .h43 1985
kugel, james. the bible as it was. cambridge: belknap, 1997.
bs1225.2 .k84 1997
kugel, james. the idea of biblical poetry: parallelism and its history. new haven: yale, 1981.
bs1405.2 .k83
levenson, jon d. the hebrew bible, the old testament, and historical criticism: jews and christians in biblical studies. louisville: westminster john knox, 1993.
bs476 .l48 1993
mays, james l., david l. peterson, and kent h. richards, eds. old testament interpretation: past, present, and future. nashville: abingdon, 1995.
bs1171.2 .o43 1995
ryken, leland and tremper longman iii (eds.). a complete literary guide to the bible. zondervan, 1993.
bs535 .c56 1993
schertz, mary h, and perry b. yoder. seeing the text: exegesis for students of greek and hebrew. nashville: abingdon, 2001.
bs476 .s325 2001
soulen, richard n. and r. kendall soulen. handbook of biblical criticism. 3rd ed. louisville: westminster john knox press, 2001.
ref bs511.3 .s68 2001
steck, odil hannes. old testament exegesis: a guide to the methodology. trans. james d. nogalski. atlanta: scholars press, 1998.
bs1174.2 .b3713 1998
stuart, douglas. old testament exegesis. a handbook for students and pastors. 2nd edition. westminster john knox, 1984.
bs476 .s83 1984
tov, emmanuel. textual criticism of the hebrew bible. 3rd edition. fortress, 2011.
bs1136 .t6813 2012
watson, wilfred g.e. classical hebrew poetry: a guide to its techniques. sheffield: jsot press, 1986.
bs1405.2 .w348 1984
würthwein, ernst. the text of the old testament. 2nd edition. eerdmans, 1995.
bs1136 .w813 1979
alexander, t. desmond, and david w. baker, eds. dictionary of the old testament : pentateuch. downers grove, ill.: intervarsity press, 2003.
ref bs1225.52 .d53 2003
alexander, t. d. from paradise to the promised land: an introduction to the pentateuch. second edition. grand rapids: baker, 2002.
bs1225 .a542 1998
blenkinsopp, joseph. the pentateuch: an introduction to the first five books of the bible. abrl. new york: doubleday, 1992.
bs1225.2 .b544 1992
briggs, richard s. and joel n. lohr, eds. a theological introduction to the pentateuch: interpreting the torah as christian scripture. grand rapids: baker, 2012.
bs1225.52 .t54 2012
crüsemann, frank. the torah: theology and social history of old testament law. minneapolis: fortress press, 1996.
bs1225.6.l3 c7813 1996
dozeman, thomas. the pentateuch: introducing the torah. minneapolis: fortress press, 2017.
bs1225.52 .d69 2017
gafney, wilda. womanist midrash: a reintroduction to the women of the torah and the throne. louisville: westminster john knox, 2017.
bs1181.8 .g34 2017
gane, roy e. old testament law for christians: original context and enduring application. grand rapids: baker, 2017.
hamilton, victor r. handbook to the pentateuch. grand rapids: baker, 1982.
bs1225.2 .h35 1982
sailhammer, john. the meaning of the pentateuch: revelation, composition, and interpretation. downers grove, ill.: ivp, 2009.
bs1225.52 .s25 2009
walton, john h., and victor harold matthews. the ivp bible background commentary : genesis- -deuteronomy. downers grove, ill.: intervarsity press, 1997.
bs1225.3 .w34 1997
historical books (joshua-2 kings):
arnold, bill t., and h.g.m. williamson, eds. dictionary of the old testament: historical books. downers grove, ill.: ivp, 2005.
bs1205.55 .d53 2005
campbell, antony f. unfolding the deuteronomistic history: origins, upgrades, present text. minneapolis: fortress press, 2000.
bs1286.5 .c36 2000
ducher-walls, patricia. reading the historical books: a student's guide to engaging the biblical text. grand rapids: eerdmans, 2014.
bs1205.55 .d88 2014
joseph, alison l. portrait of the kings: the davidic prototype in deuteronomistic poetics. minneapolis: fortress press, 2015.
bs1335.52 .j68 2015
knoppers, gary n. and j. gordon mcconville, eds. reconsidering israel and judah: recent studies on the deuteronomistic history. winona lake, ind.: eisenbrauns, 2000.
bs1286.5 .r43 2000
mckenzie, steven l. introduction to the historical books: strategies for reading. grand rapids: eerdmans, 2010.
bs1205.52 .m35 2010
römer, thomas. the so-called deuteronomistic history: a sociological, historical, and literary introduction. new york: t&t clark, 2007.
bs1286.5 .r66 2007
walton, john h. the lost world of the israelite conquest: covenant, retribution, and the fate of the canaanites. downers grove, ill.: ivp, 2017.
bs1199.v56 w35 2017
hebrew prophets:
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specialized areas of theology
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eastern orthodox theology
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protestant theology
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theological hermeneutics
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