leadership and public service faculty & staff
academic leadership
steve joinerexecutive director icm and dean, college of leadership and public service
(615) 966-7141
kimberly mccallassociate dean of academics and director of fred d. gray institute for law, justice & society
(615) 966-2503
kenyatta lovettfaculty fellow
mark whitedirector, community and government outreach
tracy allenadjunct faculty
kevin battsadjunct faculty
andrea blackmanadjunct faculty
joel eckertadjunct faculty
patrick garneradjunct faculty
betty snyderadjunct faculty
cynthia greeradjunct faculty
ryan jackwoodadjunct faculty
kenyatta lovettfaculty fellow
jolyn mezeraadjunct faculty
sara nayloradjunct faculty
mandy pellegrinadjunct faculty
bin shuiadjunct faculty
jackie spiveylead faculty, undergraduate psychology
bryan stephensonadjunct faculty
theresa swansonadjunct faculty
jeff thompsonadjunct faculty
pete westerholmadjunct faculty