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about the institute for conflict management

it should come as no surprise that an institution that takes such scripture as “blessed are the peacemakers” to heart hosts an institute for conflict management. but there is more. this university is led by a president who was a pioneer in the art and science of conflict resolution. for more than two decades, randy lowry led the internationally known straus institute for dispute resolution at pepperdine university and has himself mediated in multiple countries and continents.

headshot of steve joiner

steve joiner, dean of the college of leadership & public service

today, lipscomb’s institute takes its place not just as an organization which provides master’s level academic training in conflict management, but which is called on continually by community organizations, governmental entities, churches, corporations and individuals to bring these important skills to bear in a variety of ways. yes, a valuable community asset, but it also gives our students a front row seat to experiential learning that will serve them well upon graduation. and upon graduation, the choices are many for those who understand the dynamics of conflict. from human resources to legal applications (rule 31) to corporate leadership and more.

the institute is also often called upon to assist congregations and nonprofit organizations in moments of transformation and change so that conflict can be successfully managed before it becomes crisis.

consider adding conflict management to your skill set. certainly, it will add academic achievement to your portfolio, but it will also be a capability with limitless application, in your work, your family, your community.

steve joiner, d.min.