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student learning

department of english & modern languages

we exist to guide you in exploring the complex and compelling relationships among languages, literatures, and cultures.

join the conversation in a language other than your own.  equip yourself for challenges around the globe to enhance your ability to serve, teach, lead, understand, and communicate with citizens of the world.  our students think critically and serve globally and locally. 

so let us help you find your future in the global village. with majors in english, spanish, french, and german, our curriculum helps students develop the skills needed to negotiate various linguistic, social, and cultural contexts.

what you should know

our programs


explore the complex and compelling relationships among languages, literature and cultures. a highly personalized academic experience will allow you to cultivate an area of expertise: choose a writing, teaching or literary track.

about english


you’ll enrich your cultural competencies, engage your critical thinking, sharpen your oral and written communication skills, and expand your knowledge about different ways of thinking. the cross-cultural mindset you’ll gain will carry you a long way — quite literally.

about french


alongside our experienced faculty, you'll interact with important figures in german life, from business and politics to the music industry, international relations and education. the global learning experience you receive here will provide you the confidence you need as a k-12 teacher or a business professional.

about german


as the ability to converse in spanish is increasing in importance in the u.s. and worldwide, it's no secret that with a background in this language, you'll be better equipped for your profession. our spanish teaching degree combines a respected education program and studies in language, geography and literature.

about spanish

international studies (minor)

let us prepare you to take your profession abroad. enhance your linguistic skills, dive into history and foundations, and understand current international systems and politics. you’ll get to choose your desired language and applicable courses.

about international studies