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ayers leadership fellows

just as important as having good teachers in the classroom, schools need good administrators as well.

whether it be in personal and ethical leadership, visionary leadership, learning-focused leadership or organizational leadership, fellows will be challenged to bring skills back to their districts to help them become highly effective leaders in their schools.

through generous support from the ayers foundation and scarlett family foundation,  scholarships are available for each candidate in the ayers leadership fellowship. qualified candidates are selected from a competitive application process based on merit and evidence of strong aspiration leadership talent. 

ayers leadership fellows will earn a master of education (m.ed.) or education specialist (ed.s.) degree in educational leadership at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 and an administrative license in the state of tennessee. fellows will engage in field experiences, direct mentoring relationships with current educational leaders, participate in experiential learning days in the field, and progress through coursework designed to expose candidates to researched-based best-practice leadership skills.


ayers leadership fellows: why is leadership important to you?

program information

in partnership with the ayers foundation and scarlett family foundation, lipscomb's college of education offers scholarships for aspiring school leaders throughout the region to earn an educational leadership master’s or education specialist degree with administrative licensure. below you'll find resources explaining the fellowship, school district engagement and the program's timeline.


  • application acceptance —january-may
  • application deadline —may
  • interviews for selected applicants—may-june
  • acceptances announced—july
  • orientation—july
  • classes begin—august 

application information

to apply for the ayers leadership fellows program, applicants complete a standard application for either the m.ed. or ed.s. in educational leadership programs and select the "ayers" option on the application. applications will be accepted beginning in january through may

program information ayers institute

common questions