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jon lowrance 

biomolecular science

department chair - biology


jon h. lowrance is a professor of biology in the college of liberal arts and sciences at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 . he received his bachelor of science (b.s.) degree in biology from david lipscomb college, his m.s. from middle tennessee state university in parasitology and his doctor of philosophy (ph.d.) in microbiology and immunology from the u. of tennessee health science center memphis, tennessee. after earning his doctorate, jon continued his work in immunology in a post-doctoral position at the university of missouri, columbia.

jon has been on faculty at 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 since 1994 and has received the rank of full professor. he teaches cell biology, immunology, and virology in the undergraduate program. in the graduate biomolecular science program, jon teaches apoptosis: programed cell death and advanced immunology. jon was the 2007 recipient of the john baker summer fellowship award. also, he has received three times the outstanding teacher of the year award at lipscomb that allows him to be identified as an “outstanding teacher” in the university catalog. he has served as biology chairman twice from 1999-2008 and again in 2021 until the present time.

jon mentors several students each year in research projects focusing on the human innate immune responses to short chain fatty acids and toll-like receptor 4 expression in different eukaryotic cell types. these students have presented their data at local, state and regional meetings, including the regional meeting of american society of microbiology.

jon is married to carol payne lowrance (78’ lu graduate). they have two sons, two wonderful daughter-n-laws, and five grandchildren.

academic degrees

ph.d. university of tennessee center for the health sciences

post doctorate work university of missouri-columbia

m.s. middle tennessee sate university

b.s. 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 .

academic department

biology department