cynthia greer
institute for conflict management
adjunct faculty
cynthia f. greer, ed.d., m.d.r., m.ed., is one of 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 ’s institute for conflict management’s adjunct faculty members. with a master’s degree in dispute resolution from pepperdine school of law, a doctorate in organizational management from pepperdine university, and a master’s in counseling and psychology from georgia state university, she is prepared for family and domestic relations mediation and training like few others. she has mediated since 1994 and has conducted over 1,350 mediations. she has her own mediation practice, greer dispute resolution services, specializing in high-profile divorces, employment related matters, and educational issues. she has developed adr systems for various non-profit, governmental and non-governmental organizations. in addition, for 12 years, she was a mediator and trainer for the u.s. postal service redress program. for almost 10 years, she was the director and senior mediator at the california academy of mediation professionals in encino, ca. prior to that, for 17 years, she was an assistant and associate dean at pepperdine university school of law and, since 1988, she has taught various adr courses at pepperdine’s law school. at atlanta’s john marshall law school, for 10 years, she taught interviewing, counseling and planning for lawyers and for the ll.m. program there, she taught adr in employment settings. in addition to her extensive practice experience, she has trained mediators across the nation. in tennessee, she is listed as a rule 31 mediator for civil, family, and domestic violence cases. at lipscomb, she teaches the rule 31 family mediation training (divorce) and the rule 31 domestic violence training. she has also taught adr in educational settings; interviewing and counseling in adr; and adr in organizations.