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lexie burch 

ideal program

program manager for independent living/advanced program coordinator


lexie law is the residential coordinator for ideal. her role includes overseeing dorm life and off-campus living for students in the ideal program. she coordinates students’ evening schedules and events and serves as the supervisor for the ideal resident assistants. she works closely with the residence life staff to ensure that students in the ideal program are fully integrated into dorm and campus life. lexie received her bachelor of science degree in special education from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 in 2019. throughout her undergraduate years, she volunteered with ideal and served as the ideal resident assistant for female students living on campus in 2018-2019. lexie received her master degree in conflict management from 世界杯2022预选赛录像回放 in 2021.


academic degrees

b.s., special education interventionist; m.a., conflict management


academic department

college of education, ideal program